Sunday Apr 14, 2024
230 | Jupiter Meets Uranus: Shake it Up!
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Episode 230 | Jupiter Meets Uranus: Shake it Up!
This week, the First Quarter Moon in Cancer symbolizes transformation after the eclipse storm; the Sun enters its Taurus season, but its usual comfort and stability are immediately challenged by Pluto; the long-awaited and pulse-racing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus; and April answers a couple of listener questions about how to handle tense family relationships. Plus: Eclipse hangover, a battle of wills, and dropping the rope!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:13] Moon Report! In the chart for the Cancer First Quarter Moon (Apr. 15, 12:13 pm, 26º18’ Cancer), the Sun, Moon, and Pluto create a high-energy T-square aspect. The Sabian symbol for the First Quarter Moon is 27 Cancer, A storm in a canyon – symbol of transformation following a crisis.
[0:0] This is the First Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began back on July 17, 2023, with a New Moon at 24º56’ Cancer. The Full Moon in this LPFC comes on Jan. 13, 2025; the Last Quarter is on Oct. 13, 2025. For more information about LPFC, check out Lunar Shadows III: The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses by Diedrich Pessin and Episode 141 with Celeste Brooks.
[6:19] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On April 15 (4:22 pm PDT), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune. It's VOC for just about three hours and then enters Leeeeeoooooo (7:24 pm PDT). Create new and healing habits around food, meditation, and time spent with family.
[7:29] On April 18 (5:02 am PDT), the Moon in Leo trines the Sun in Aries. It's VOC for a little over two hours and enters Virgo (7:10 am PDT). A good time to get out of ruts.
[8:06] On April 20 (5:19 pm PDT), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune. It's VOC for just under three hours, then enters Libra (8:08 pm PDT). Take this time to break habits of compulsiveness, disorganization, procrastination and to consciously cultivate good daily habits around health, and especially the way we cope with stress.
[9:21] On April 17 (11:46 am PDT), Venus makes a conjunction with the Moon's North Node at 15°34’ Aries, indicating that important friends and partners may have recently entered your orbit. This is especially so if you have points in your chart that are close to 15º Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. Mercury conjoins Venus (April 19, 1:59 am PDT) at 17°32’ Aries, emphasizing communication skills in your relationships.
[10:40] The Sun enters its Taurus season (April 19, 7:00 am PDT), through May 20, 2024. Taurus season is the time to rest and restore, and take stock of what you have and what you need in order to make yourself stable and comfortable.
[11:22] The Sun squares Pluto at 02°04’ Taurus and Aquarius (April 21, 10:02 am PDT). The Sabian symbol for the Sun is Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover; Pluto is on 3 Aquarius, A deserter from the Navy. We have to remember that we don't always know all the facts of the situation and to see if there are ways that we can help the people in our lives who are in need.
[13:59] On April 19 (8:28 am PDT), Mars sextiles Jupiter at 21º29’ Pisces-Taurus. Later that day (4:56 pm PDT), Mars sextiles Uranus at 21º46’ Pisces-Taurus. This is the day before the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and both of those planets are receiving these sextile aspects from Mars. Put forth a little effort and pay attention to any exciting possibilities that may come your way!
[14:49] Jupiter conjoins with Uranus at 21º49’ Taurus (April 20, 7:27 pm PDT). Steven Forrest wrote that this combination prescribes shaking things up in order to get Jupiter’s good fortune.
[16:00] Jupiter and Uranus come together in a conjunction about every 14 years. The last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction was back in June and Sep. 2010 and in Jan. 2011. Look for the house of your chart that contains 18°-26° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. Here is your chance to get unstuck and to move in a positive new direction.
[18:01] Listeners Kerrie and Marlene ask a couple of astro-questions about family.
[24:21] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[24:49] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share!
[25:56] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
229 | Aries Solar Eclipse: The Power of Giving!
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
This week, the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse asks us how we can be of service to others; Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn, demanding discipline and commitment; the Sun makes a conjunction with Mercury; and April answers a listener question about Chiron in the chart of the solar eclipse. Plus: Time out, drilling the troops, and pregnant with promise! For more about the upcoming eclipses, order April's Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report - details here!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:12] Moon Report! The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse (April 8, 11:21 am PDT) is at 19º24’ Aries, on the Sabian symbol A young girl feeding birds in winter.
[1:57] The placement of 19º24’ Aries in your birth chart shows the area of life where you may be shaken up. Give to others, but don’t forget what’s important to you. Check out this TedTalk about 365Give.
[4:54] This eclipse, conjoined Mercury retrograde and Chiron, has a strong connection with the past. Look back to the solar eclipses on April 8, 2005 and April 9, 1986 for connections to current themes.
[6:34] This New Moon initiates a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). The First Quarter of this LPFC is on Jan. 6, 2025; the Full Moon, on Oct. 6, 2025; and the Last Quarter, on July 7th, 2026.
[8:08] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods for this week. On April 8 (7:39 pm PDT), the Moon in Aries conjoins retrograde Mercury. It's VOC for about 8 ¾ hours, then enters Taurus (April 9, 4:23 am PDT). Feelings and instincts catch up with thoughts.
[10:06] On April 11 (3:04 am PDT), the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for a little under three hours, then enters Gemini (5:58 am PDT). Establish practical daily routines that support Neptune’s intuition and imagination.
[11:06] On April 13 (7:46 am PDT), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for about 3 hours, then enters Cancer (10:45 am PDT). Do you tend to think your feelings rather than feeling them? What kind of changes might you make to bring that into a better balance?
[12:12] On April 10 (1:36 pm PDT), Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn at 14º40’ Pisces. This is on the Sabian symbol 15 Pisces, An officer preparing to drill his troops. This coincides with the very important Mars-ruled eclipse. Are you prepared to give up some of your personal autonomy in order to serve something bigger than yourself?
[16:01] Mercury conjoins the Sun on April 11 (4:03 pm PDT) at 22º32’ Aries. The Sabian symbol for the conjunction is 23 Aries, a pregnant woman in light summer dress. Mercury’s cazimi moment, so close to the Sun, is pregnant with promise, and a big project that’s been gestating is ready to be revealed.
[17:58] Listener Anna asks about Chiron in the chart of the April 8th Solar Eclipse.
[25:17] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[25:47] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by Tammy VanUlzen and new donor Chris Williams!
[26:53] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
228 | Venus in Aries: What's New?
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
This week, Mercury stations retrograde for a three-week backward march through Aries; Venus enters take-no-prisoners Aries and connects with Neptune and Pluto; the Capricorn Last Quarter Moon asks for a progress report; and April answers a couple of listener questions about composite charts and being born on a Void-of-Course Moon. Plus: A pep talk, feeling what you feel, and…what does Violet want?
For more about the upcoming eclipses, order April's Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report - details here!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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Timestamps (if notes cut off, view them here)
[1:16] Mercury stations retrograde on April 1 (3:14 pm PDT, through April 25) at 27º13’ Aries on the Sabian symbol 28 Aries, A large disappointed audience. Please yourself, not the large disappointed audience-because someone's always going to be disappointed with anything we do.
[3:50] Moon Report! Starting with the Capricorn Last Quarter Moon (April 1, 8:15 pm PDT), 12º52’ Capricorn-Aries. Evaluate the progress made since March 10’s Pisces New Moon but try not to beat yourself up over missed marks.
[6:12] This is the Last Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began on Jan. 2, 2022, with a New Moon at 12º20’ Capricorn. The First Quarter of this LPFC was on Oct. 2, 2022, and the Full Moon on July 3, 2023. How are you doing now with what you set out to do at that New Moon?
[8:20] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On April 2 (10:40 pm PDT), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for about 3 ½ hours and enters Aquarius on April 3 (2:08 am PDT). This VOC period gives the invitation to work hard and keep to a schedule.
[9:17] On April 4 (10:40 pm PDT), the Moon in Aquarius sextiles Mercury in Aries. It's VOC for about 5 ½ hours, then enters Pisces on April 5 (4:13 am PDT). Look for people in your circle who are really good coaches or give yourself a pep talk.
[10:24] On April 7 (1:27 am PDT), the Moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune. It's VOC for about three hours, then enters Aries (4:25 am PDT). Let yourself remember your dreams, feel what you feel, and don't get in the habit of shutting things down emotionally when it gets too intense.
[11:55] Venus conjuncts Neptune on April 3 (6:10 am PDT) at 28º00’ Pisces, on the Sabian symbol, 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon. Yearning for the unknown; avoid making major purchases.
[13:20] The Sun conjuncts the Moon's North Node (April 4, 3:10 pm PDT), at 15º37’ Aries. Let's consider this the preview to the big solar eclipse that's coming on April 8, 2024. What do you really want in your life moving forward, symbolized by the North Node, and how can you get there?
[14:38] On April 4 (9:00 pm PDT), Venus enters Aries, a sign of her detriment, through April 29, 2024. Exercise; enjoy competition. What excites Venus in Aries is the feeling that a relationship is new, even if it's been going on for years.
[17:07] Venus sextiles Pluto on April 6 (10:45 am PDT) at 01°56’ Aries and Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 2 Aries, A comedian entertaining a group; for Pluto, 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm. Engage others in a way that's more persuasive than demanding.
[19:58] Listener Kerrie asks about Composite charts. For a review on synastry, check out Episodes 127, 206 and 219. Composite charts use the birth charts of two or more people to create a third chart that symbolizes the relationship. Recommended reading: Planets in Composite by Rob Hand. If you calculate your composite chart on astro.com, April prefers the option “composite chart midpoint method.”
[24:09] Listener Pam asks about being born under a Void-of-Course Moon.
[26:06] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[26:44] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by new donors, Jessica Johnsen and Linda McCallum.
[27:46] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
227 | Libra Lunar Eclipse: One Big Old Moon Report!
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
This week, there is almost nothing happening other than the opening salvo in this eclipse season: the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, on March 25th at 12 midnight Pacific time. So, this episode is basically one big ol’ Moon report. Thrill to the details of this Libra Lunar Eclipse and what it means for your personal relationships! Plus: shaking out co-dependence, and the perfection of an imperfect person. For more about the upcoming eclipses, order April's Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report - details here!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:08] Super Massive Moon Report! The Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on March 25 (12 midnight PDT) at 5º07’ Libra. This is the second Libra Eclipse in Libra during this Aries/Libra series.
[1:40] This eclipse is part of a series on the Aries/Libra axis (April 2023-March 2025). These eclipses emphasize the need to let go of reliance on others (Libra South Node) and embrace independence and courage (Aries North node).
[2:42] Lunar eclipses always have an impact on relationships, because they happen at a Full Moon when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other.
[3:24] Look at the house of your chart where the eclipse point (5º07’ Libra) falls, as well as the planets that are within 1º-9º of Libra, Capricorn, Aries, or Cancer. Past eclipses at this degree, March 23, 2016 (3º17' Libra) and March 24, 1997 (3º35' Libra) may hint at important themes.
[4:39] The Sabian symbol for the Moon is 6 Libra, Ideal of a man abundantly crystallized, and the Sun is on 6 Aries, A square brightly lighted on one side. Have standards. Know thyself. Know which imperfections you can live with.
[6:32] This is the Full Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began Sep. 25, 2022, with a New Moon at 2º48' Libra. The First Quarter in this LPFC was on June 26, 2023, and the Last Quarter Moon is on Dec. 22, 2024.
[7:28] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On March 26 (4:09 pm PDT), the Moon in Libra opposes Mercury in Aries. It's VOC for about 10 hours before it enters Scorpio on March 27 (2:03 am PDT). It's not always comfortable to stand up for what we feel strongly about, but it is sometimes very important that we do so for our own sense of integrity.
[8:51] On March 29 (8:40 am PDT), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It's VOC for just about 4 ¼ hours and then enters Sagittarius (12:52 pm PDT). If you've been cautious about trusting others, rest assured, somebody in your circle has earned that trust.
[9:52] On March 31 (5:16 pm PDT), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It's VOC for just under 4 hours and then enters Capricorn (9:05 pm PDT). Take a look at where in your life you have chosen to hold on instead of moving forward on a delightful path.
[11:01] Lunar Eclipse mini-lesson. Lunar eclipses occur at the Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in opposition, and are important for relationships.
[11:43] If this eclipse and the one on April 8 aspect sensitive areas in your chart, you may well find that your happy relationship isn't quite as secure as you might have thought.
[13:15] In particular, with your Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Aries and Libra, you are likely to experience critical transitions in romantic partnerships, very close friendships, or business collaborations.
[14:24] With Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Taurus or Scorpio, impacts to relationships with co-workers, healthcare associates, service animals, spiritual advisors, hidden enemies, employees and those with whom you have an unequal relationship.
[15:06] With the Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Gemini or Sagittarius, changes in relationships with friends, associates, soulmates, creative and political allies, your children and pets, lovers, fans of your creative work, and fellow members of a community.
[15:45] With your Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Cancer or Capricorn, this eclipse suggests that there will be changes in your home and career direction.
[16:30] With the Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Leo or Aquarius, impacts to relationships with neighbors, siblings, teachers, clergy, and people from foreign backgrounds.
[17:04] With the Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Virgo or Pisces, impacts to relationships that involve earnings, possessions, security, shared resources, and physical or psychological intimacy.
[17:45] Eclipses in Houses – Libra and Aries in the 1st – 7th houses: Significant changes in partnerships. Since the first house symbolizes the front door of your life, the unfamiliar and unexpected, relocation is possible.
[19:45] Libra and Aries in the 2nd and 8th houses: security, confidence, self-worth, and support.
[20:53] Libra and Aries in the 3rd and 9th houses: Realizations around education and training, and critical moments with siblings, neighbors, and teachers.
[22:02] Libra and Aries in the 4th and 10th houses: Relocation and/or career change. Relationships with parents. Changes in family obligations.
[23:04] Libra and Aries in the 5th and 11th houses: Creative efforts overlooked or rejected; issues with your children or pet; feeling a strong soulmate connection; falling out of step with friends.
[23:48] Libra and Aries in the 6th and 12th: Reviewing your day-to-day life and how you find respite.
[25:22] April will return to listener questions next week. If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[26:01] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by new donor Jennifer Gneuhs and Elizabeth Orr!
[27:09] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
226 | Aries Equinox: Irrational Exuberance!
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
This week, the Aries equinox initiates the astrological new year, and the Sun's aspect to Pluto brings a trial by fire. Venus makes a conjunction with Saturn - are you ready to get serious? What do we make of Warrior Mars entering loving Pisces? And April answers a listener question about starting a new job when Mercury is retrograde. Plus, rising sap, defensive fish, and good boundaries make good relationships.
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:16] On March 19 (8:06 pm PDT), the Sun enters Aries (Mar. 19, 8:06 pm PDT), marking the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.
[4:06] The Sun sextiles Pluto (Mar. 21, 1:03 pm PDT) at 01°41’ Aries-Aquarius. Pluto is on the Sabian symbol 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm. A powerful aspect for initiating new projects and entrepreneurship; what we embark upon at the equinox has the potential to bring us power and influence over the next few months.
[5:10] Venus conjoins Saturn (Mar. 21, 4:09 pm PDT), at 12º26’ Pisces. How can we show kindness without being taken advantage of? Relationships can be taken to the next level of commitment.
[9:06] Mars enters Pisces (Mar. 22, 4:47 pm PDT) through April 30, 2024. Protection via escape. Get enthusiastic and focused about art, music, film and musicals.
[11:52] Venus sextiles Jupiter (March 24, 9:37 am PDT), 15º48’ Pisces-Taurus. Jupiter is on the symbol, Old man attempting vainly to reveal the mysteries. Taking a bit of a risk in relationships and/or financial endeavors could prove rewarding. Buy a lotto ticket!
[13:58] Moon Report! No major lunations this week, but there’s a Lunar Eclipse on March 25 at 05°07’ Libra. April will cover the eclipse in more detail next week. Consider joining her upcoming online class, Lunar Phases and Eclipses, on March 23, 2024, at noon Pacific Time.
[15:37] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On March 29 (11:52 am PDT), the Moon in Cancer trines the Sun. It's VOC for about 41 minutes, then enters Leo (12:33 pm PDT). An excellent time to grab a coffee and pastry with a loved one.
[16:29] On March 21 (11:34 pm PDT), the Moon in Leo opposes Mars. It's VOC for about one hour, then enters Virgo on March 22 (12:42 am PDT). Focus on balancing your own interests with the interests of the collective.
[17:20] On March 24 (8:49 am PDT), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for about 4 ¾ hours and enters Libra at 1:37 pm PDT. Cultivate new habits that support a better balance of the practical and the intuitive.
[18:17] Listener Elizabeth asks about starting things when Mercury is retrograde. Should you be terrifiiiiied?™
[23:30] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[24:01] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by Stephanie Barnhard and Elizabeth Boone!
[25:07] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
225 | A Venus in Pisces to Remember!
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Quieter skies this week as we tiptoe toward eclipse season (beginning at the upcoming Full Moon). Venus enters Pisces, elevating love and desire. The Sun makes its annual conjunction with Neptune; who are you really? The Gemini First Quarter Moon offers a fresh start. And April answers a listener question about prenatal eclipses and the Lunar Node cycle. Plus: Shrinking violets, chicken hawks, and indiscretions!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:13] Venus enters her sign of exaltation, Pisces, on March 11 (2:50 pm PDT). It'll be in this lovely sign through April 4, 2024. While Venus is moving through Pisces, love and desire have the potential to elevate us, get us more in touch with the kinder, sweeter, more poetic sides of ourselves, and to bring more kindness and sympathy and a certain spiritual something to our closest relationships.
[3:49] On March 17 (4:22 am PDT), the Sun makes its annual conjunction with Neptune at 27º21’ Pisces, on the Sabian symbol 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon. When the Sun comes together with Neptune, get beyond your name, your appearance, your upbringing, your everyday life and ask, who are you really?
[8:06] Moon Report! The Gemini First Quarter Moon (March 16, 9:11 pm PDT) is at 27º03’ Gemini-Pisces. The Moon's Sabian symbol is 28 Gemini, A man declared bankrupt. To capture the spirit of this lunation, just ask a question. Read a book. Talk to somebody. Gathering with groups should be invigorating.
[10:59] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the First Quarter in a LPFC that began on June 17, 2023, with a New Moon at 26º43’ Gemini. The Full Moon in this LPFC will occur on December 15, 2024, and the Last Quarter Moon on September 14, 2025.
[12:22] Void-of-Course Moon Periods. On March 12 (4:08 am PDT), the Moon in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius. It's VOC for just about 1 ½ hours and then enters Taurus (5:28 pm PDT). Get used to taking advantage of situations that offer spontaneity, and also to get in the habit of fighting for the things that really matter.
[13:11] On March 14 (3:29 pm PDT), the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for about five hours and then enters Gemini (8:16 pm PDT). Let go of patterns where you find yourself floating along in negative behaviors. Initiate new habits that focus on working out the balance between practicality, imagination and empathy.
[14:06] On March 16 (9:43 pm PDT), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It’s VOC for about 5 hours and then enters Cancer on March 17 (2:40 am PDT). Focus on stilling your mind and letting spirit rush in.
[15:38] Listener Taylor asks about prenatal eclipses and the Lunar Node cycle. Order April’s Followed by a Moonshadow report to learn about the prenatal eclipses that occurred before your birth. You can also find your prenatal eclipses in an ephemeris.
[22:59] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[23:38] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by Paula Jo Spur and Maria Rebelo, who has donated to the Podathon every single year!
[24:51] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
244 | Pisces New Moon: Draining Our Brains!
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
This week, busy Mercury brings imaginative breakthroughs; Mars square and the Sun sextile Uranus on the same day warn against moving too fast and taking the wrong opportunities; Mercury begins a long journey through energetic Aries; the Pisces New Moon initiates a new cycle of spiritual exploration, healing, and forgiveness; and a listener question about becoming a professional astrologer. Plus: Self-cleaning brains, travel advisory for the big eclipse, and just rolling with it.
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:14] Mercury sextiles Uranus on March 4 (12:24 pm PST) at 19º41’ Pisces and Taurus. Imaginative breakthroughs for the artists, writers, and creators of the world!
[3:04] On March 8 (7:06 am PST), Mercury conjoins Neptune at 27º01’ Pisces, on Sabian symbol 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under a New Moon. Make sure you take plenty of time to drain your brain.
[4:56] Mars squares Uranus on March 9 (2:55 pm PST), followed only six minutes later by the Sun sextile Uranus, all 19º51’ Aquarius, Pisces, and Taurus. The Sabian symbol for Uranus is 20 Taurus, Wind clouds and haste. When Mars squares Uranus, curb tendencies to move too quickly or speak impulsively. Accidents and arguments can happen easily from about March 7-10. As for the Sun sextile Uranus aspect, pass on any risky opportunities that come your way.
[6:45] On March 9 (8:03 pm PST), Mercury enters Aries. It'll be in this sign through May 15, a long visit because it will be retrograde between April 1 - April 25. If you are planning on traveling to see the Total Solar eclipse on April 8, have a backup plan or two.
[8:50] Mercury sextiles Pluto on March 10 (3:20 pm PST) at 01º27’ Aries and Aquarius. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol 2 Aries, A comedian entertaining a group, and Pluto is on 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm. Look for opportunities to use your mind in a future-focused, constructive way.
[10:13] Moon Report! The Pisces New Moon (March 10, 1:00 am PST, 20º16’ Pisces) is on the Sabian symbol 21 Pisces, Little white lamb, child, and Chinese servant. In the New Moon chart, the Sun and the Moon conjoin Saturn on one side, Neptune on the other, and also sextile Uranus. Check out this video and blog post if you want to find out where this transit will show up in your chart. Be willing to go with the flow while working hard to define your dreams. Racial issues could be prevalent in the news around this time.
[13:18] This New Moon initiates a three-year Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). The First Quarter Moon of this LPFC is on Dec. 8, 2024, the Full Moon on Sep. 7, 2025, the Last Quarter on June 8, 2026. Embrace your spiritual path. Release grudges.
[16:16] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On March 4, the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune (7:41 am PST). It's VOC for just about 5 ½ hours, and then enters Capricorn (1:15 pm PST). Let go of the need to be certain in your beliefs and be willing to just experience the journey.
[17:38] On March 6, the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune (11:35 am PST), is VOC for just about 5 hours, then enters Aquarius (4:38 pm PST). Use ambition and perseverance in the service of others.
[18:43] On March 8th, the Moon in Aquarius conjuncts Venus (10:55 am PST). It's VOC for just a little over six hours before it enters Pisces (5:03 pm PST). How can you create new habits that allow for personal freedom and intimacy?
[19:26] On March 10, the Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune (12:45 pm PDT). It's VOC for a little over 4 ½ hours, and then enters Aries (5:19 pm PDT). Relax and think about how you can make joyful pleasures part of your daily routine.
[20:14] Listener Jean asks about how to become a professional astrologer.
[26:45] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[27:16] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by one of April’s oldest friends, a very special Pisces who, in fact, is celebrating a milestone birthday this week, Tim Tormey! And thanks to Sarah Jane Williamson, who has donated to the Podathon every single year!
[28:39] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
223 | A Packed Pisces Party!
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
This week, a dynamic Mars-Jupiter square is like a multi-headed Hydra; the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn converge for a cazimi party in Pisces; expect the unexpected in money and love, as Venus aspects unpredictable Uranus; the Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon encourages us to share our stories; and April answers a listener question about the difference between planets, signs, and houses. Plus: A bucking bronco, the 9-to-5, and Venn diagrams!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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Timestamps (full show notes here)
[1:13] Mars squares Jupiter (Feb. 27, 12:30 am PST) at 10°52’ Aquarius-Taurus. Beware of overexertion in physical exercise or at work, especially if your birth chart has planets or points within a couple of degrees of 11 Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio.
[3:08] On Feb. 28 (12:43 am PST), the Sun conjoins Mercury (cazimi) at 09°14’ Pisces, bringing mental clarity and insights.
[3:16] Also on Feb. 28, Mercury (7:07 am PST) and the Sun (1:25 pm PST) make conjunctions with Saturn. This three-planet connection takes place on the Sabian symbol 10 Pisces, An aviator in the clouds. We may feel as if there's no way to break through and get ahead but don't give up: success truly is just around the corner.
[5:47] Mercury sextiles Jupiter on Feb. 29 (1:53 am PST) at 11°12’ Pisces-Taurus. Take advantage of new insights and share them with a new audience.
[6:18] The Sun sextiles Jupiter on March 1 (4:15 am PST) at 11°17’ Pisces-Taurus. It’s an opportunity to give solid form and structure to our Pisces talents and intuitive abilities.
[7:11] On March 3 (5:17 am PST), Venus squares Uranus at 19º39’ Aquarius-Taurus. This aspect encourages desire for more freedom, independence, and change within finances and/or relationships. Its influence is strongest if you have planets or points in your birth chart within a couple of degrees of 19º Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio.
[9:16] Moon Report! The Last Quarter Moon (March 3, 7:23 am PST) is at 13°32’ Sagittarius. This lunation brings final action toward completing a cycle; take a trip, learn or teach something new, and tell others about your journey.
[10:38] This is the Last Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began on Dec. 3, 2021 with a New Moon at 12º22’ Sagittarius. The First Quarter in this LPFC was on Sep. 3, 2022, the Full Moon on June 3, 2023. If there is something important in your birth chart within a couple of degrees of 12° Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, or Virgo, this has been a particularly important lunar phase family cycle for you.
[12:58] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Feb. 27, the Moon trines Venus (10:22 am PST) and is VOC for almost 33 hours (!!!). The Moon enters Scorpio on Feb. 28 (7:09 PM PST). The efforts that we've made to compromise and negotiate with others are now paying off. Favorable for initiating new social habits.
[15:09] On March 1 (11:47 pm PST), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It's VOC for a little over six hours and then enters Sagittarius on March 2 (5:56 am PST). Love yourself a little more and accept yourself as you are.
[17:08] Listener Question: Kellie with an “ie” asks about the difference between planets, signs and houses. Here’s a link to April’s The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology. Check out this article about the Astrological Alphabet and Zipporah Dobyns.
[26:39] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[27:09] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by the talented Gwen Yi, a first-time donor to the podcast, and the marvelously named Martina Papinchak, who has donated to the Podathon every single year!
[28:24] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.