![089 | Aquarius Full Moon: An Epidemic of Muppets!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
089 | Aquarius Full Moon: An Epidemic of Muppets!
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
April and Jen lament the last of our episodes celebrating the hits of the 1980s! But, as a wise woman once told us, “This is an astrology podcast” - so let’s get to it! In this two-week period, five planets change signs: the Sun and Mercury enter LEEEooo (cue singing!), Venus and Mars enter Virgo and look for things to organize, and Jupiter backs into Aquarius for five bonus months of water-bearer goodness. Plus, an Aquarius Full Moon fit for a Muppet, and a Taurus Last Quarter Moon that highlights the magic inside all of us. Plus: the music of 1989, fizzy water, and… where did we put that box of shreddables??
Podpals: Please note that we are releasing episodes every two weeks for the summer! The next episode will drop on Aug. 2!
But if you find you’re missing us, let us know! Or leave a comment with your favorite songs from 1989, won’t you? https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com
Read a full transcript: https://bit.ly/3xJhC7P
00:30 – A reminder: We have a lighter summer schedule and are releasing episodes every 2 weeks! If you’d like weekly updates, sign up for April’s newsletter! https://bit.ly/3hK8MBt
01:11 – Do April & Jen hear a sound in the distance? Is it podpals cheering (or weeping)? Our 1989 songs welcome one more into the Venn diagram of 1980s Musical Overlap: Jen selects “Steady On” by Shawn Colvin (April’s first choice too!). Her other songs include “Ladies First” by Queen Latifah (April had it close - she is a Pisces with a Leo Moon! https://bit.ly/3hF1mPU), and “Closer to Fine” by Indigo Girls. April picks “Nick of Time” by Bonnie Raitt, “Language of the Heart” by David Wilcox, and “Love Shack” by the B-52s! Hear all our 80s picks: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY. We also post our episodes on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3uQtlPR!
05:17 – The Sun enters Leeeoo (July 22), the sign of its rulership! Most notable aspect is its opposition to Saturn at 10.11 Aquarius (Aug. 1).
08:54 – Mercury also enters Leo, the sign of its fall (July 27). On Aug. 1, it also opposes Saturn.
10:10 – Venus enters Virgo on July 21, the sign of its fall. The next day, it makes an opposition to Jupiter in Pisces (July 22).
.11:55 – Mars enters Virgo (July 29)! Earlier in the day, at 29.52 Leo, it opposes Jupiter in Aquarius.
15:44 – Jupiter retrograde backs into Aquarius (July 28 - Dec. 28), after being in Pisces since May 13. It turns direct Oct. 17. Revisit late Dec. 2020 – mid-May 2021: What began then that you want to finish up? (To find where this is in your chart: https://bit.ly/3xEpQOJ. Or get a reading with April: https://bit.ly/3z39X4J!)
18:18 – *MOONWATCH * We have a Full Moon at 1.26 Aquarius (July 23) on the Sabian symbol “An unexpected thunderstorm.” The Sun is on “An epidemic of the mumps.” This lunation calls us back to Jan. 24, 2020 and Feb. 11, 2021. It also reveals the progress of what we began at the July 9 New Moon.
21:49 – This Full Moon is near where Jupiter and Saturn met up in Dec. 2020! (Review Ep. 61 https://bit.ly/3B5IYqZ.)
24:04 – We also have a Last Quarter Moon at 8.33 Taurus (July 31)! This lunation makes a t-square with Saturn/Uranus! The escape route is in Scorpio: alone time, magic time, deep talks with a trusted friend, or transform yourself in some positive way. Venus asks us to be curious, especially related to money, values, and relationships! Approach life with beginner’s mind (https://bit.ly/3eu8Gf5) and rational thought. (For more on the Nodes in Gemini/Sag, revisit Ep. 24 https://bit.ly/36FLKoT).
30:59 – Big thanks to donors SHEILA MILLER, MARIA NOBRE, and ANNE MARIE FINCH! If you like the show, you can always contribute at https://bit.ly/2VS1MtK. (If you donate $5 or more, we’ll send you our recent Cancer Solstice episode!) You can also read show notes and transcripts and leave comments at our site! See you in two weeks!
![088 | Cancer New Moon: Cash-ing In!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
088 | Cancer New Moon: Cash-ing In!
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
April and Jen begin a leisurely summer pace while bringing you double-your-lunar-pleasure: A Cancer New Moon AND a Libra First Quarter Moon! (Two great Moonwatches, same great price!) Also, Venus stirs up the monumental Saturn/Uranus spat before joining up with roaring Mars; Mercury challenges Neptune for the third (and final!) time, then dives into family-centered Cancer; and the Sun makes friends with eccentric Uranus and escapist Neptune before staring down powerhouse Pluto. Plus: the music of 1988, the way-back machine (finally!) makes another appearance, and fellowship always!
Podpals: Please note that we are releasing episodes every two weeks for the summer! The next episode will drop on July 19!
But if you find you’re missing us, let us know! Or leave a comment with your favorite songs from 1988, won’t you? https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com
Read a full transcript: https://www.bigskyastrology.com/transcript-ep-88/
00:30 – Your intrepid co-hosts are enjoying a more leisurely podcast pace this summer! We’ll be releasing episodes every two weeks! If you’d like weekly updates, sign up for April’s fabulous newsletter! https://www.bigskyastrology.com/subscribe/
02:31 – April and Jen are rocking out to songs from 1988 this week! April loves the singer Marti Jones and her tune “Tourist Town.” Her runner-up is (Jen’s first choice!) “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman! With “Fast Car” safely in the mix, Jen chooses Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” (is that the way-back machine we hear off in the distance?), and Kate Bush’s “This Woman’s Work.” Hear all our 80s picks here: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY. We also post our episodes on YouTube (https://bit.ly/3uQtlPR)!
08:53 – Mercury is fuzzy-headed! The planet of communication – at 23.10 Gemini – squares Neptune in Pisces for the third time (July 6). (To hear more, revisit Ep. 82 https://bit.ly/3hql7cv & Ep. 84 https://bit.ly/368wccV.)
09:50 – Mercury enters family-focused, sensitive Cancer (July 11–27).
10:52 – Is Mercury at a disadvantage in water signs?
11:39 – Venus gets busy! First, the planet of relationships/value opposes Saturn at 12.01 Leo/Aquarius (July 6) on the Sabian symbol, “An old sea captain rocking.” Next, she squares Uranus at 14.04 Taurus (July 8). Finally, she joins up with Mars at 19.48 Leo (July 13). April breaks it all down for us, as Venus triggers the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square which is the signature theme of 2021!
16:44 – **MOONWATCH ** This week brings a heckuva New Moon at 18.01 Cancer (July 9)! This chart has the Sun/Moon opposed Pluto, trine Neptune, and sextile Uranus.
17:49 – An opportunity to take a new approach: The Sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus (July 5). (To hear more about sextiles, listen to Ep. 16 https://bit.ly/3hcdxTO.)
19:05 – The Sun trines Neptune in Pisces (July 15), which lends itself to pleasant, gentle escapism. Ted Lasso, anyone?
20:36 – This New Moon begins a Lunar Phase family that unfolds over the next 2.5 years! Checkpoints will be in April 2022, Jan. 2023, and Oct. 2023! It also begins a 4-week and 6-month cycle.
22:15 – Our second lunation is an intense First Quarter Moon (FQM) at 25.03 Libra (July 17)! This FQM brings us back to Oct. 2020 (Ep. 51, https://bit.ly/3w5Cg0B).
23:17 – The Sun opposes Pluto in Capricorn, a half hour after the FQM (July 17). Cue the marching band: This FQM chart features a T-square – your escape hatch is in bold Aries!
27:07 – Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! Big thanks to donors TAMMY VAN ULZEN, SUSAN HUBBARD, and JANE SHANTZ! If you like the show, you can always contribute at https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com. (If you donate $5 or more, we’ll send you our recent Cancer Solstice episode!) You can also read show notes and transcripts and leave comments at our site! We’ll see you in two weeks!
![087 | Capricorn Full Moon: Mullet Over!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
087 | Capricorn Full Moon: Mullet Over!
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
April and Jen mull over the week ahead with a dramatic Capricorn Full Moon and two planets changing direction (Mercury turns direct, while Neptune turns retrograde). Venus gets busy, leaving home-loving Cancer and heading into expressive LEEEoooo (sing along!), while swimming nicely with sleepyhead Neptune and facing off against the lord of the underworld, Pluto. Yikes! Good thing the Sun takes time to celebrate itself by making a happy aspect to ever-expansive Jupiter! Plus: the music of 1987, hairstyles that are business in the front and a party in the back, and a daring new toaster purchase!
Podpals: Please note that we are taking next week off for a little summer vacay! We’ll return with Episode 88 on July 5, 2021!
But if you find you’re missing us, let us know! Or leave a comment with your favorite songs from 1987, won’t you? https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com
Read a full transcript of this episode: https://www.bigskyastrology.com/transcript-ep-87/
00:30 – April and Jen had some great 1980s hair, as evidenced in Ep. 80’s artwork (https://www.bigskyastrology.com/episode-80/). Plus, is the mullet making a comeback (https://bit.ly/3gKgZ6T)??
02:03 – We continue our journey into 1980s music with songs from 1987. Jen chooses “If I Had a Boat” by Lyle Lovett and “Rhythm is Gonna Get You” by Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine. April loves “Don’t Dream It’s Over” by Crowded House, and “Faith” by George Michael (the Venn diagram of our musical lives continues!). Hear all our 80s picks here: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY. We also post our episodes on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3uQtlPR.
05:27 – Venus, at 23.11 Cancer, trines Neptune in Pisces (June 21). This is the ultimate aspect of unconditional love. Yay!
09:50 – Mercury turns direct at 16.07 Gemini (June 22, 3:00 pm PDT): And there was much rejoicing (https://bit.ly/3gFZ7eo)! It will leave its shadow July 7, and enter Cancer July 11.
12:53 – **MOONWATCH ** This week brings a volatile Full Moon (FM) at 3.27 Capricorn (June 24)! Time to review what we’ve accomplished since the Gemini Solar Eclipse from two weeks ago (June 10). This FM is also connected to the Cap New Moon Solar Eclipse of Christmas 2019 (more on that in Ep. 5, Unboxing Eclipses https://www.bigskyastrology.com/005-unboxing-eclipses/). The Cap FM asks us to balance internal, Cancer qualities (family, dear ones, our home lives) with the external, top-of-the-mountain ones (how do we express ourselves out in the world?).
16:58 – As part of the FM chart, the Sun at 2.10 Cancer is trine Jupiter in Pisces (June 23). Celebrate yourself, have fun! The Cap FM wants us to work hard, but Sun trine Jupiter wants us to make time for pleasure.
18:06 – Also in this FM chart: Venus, at 26.06 Cancer, is opposed Pluto in Cap (June 23). Pluto is on the Sabian symbol, “A mountain pilgrimage,” while Venus is on, “A storm in a canyon.” This brings us back to late Jan. 2021 (Ep. 66, Leo Full Moon: Dinner and Bingo! https://www.bigskyastrology.com/episode-66/). What was going on for you then related to money, relationships, or power struggles in these areas? The midpoint of the story now unfolds. What can you release? Yard sale time!
23:04 – Neptune turns retrograde (Rx) at 23.11 Pisces (June 25), and will be Rx until Dec. 1. Neptune reminds us that we can’t always go in a straight line; we are invited to look within to find guidance.
26:09 – Venus enters LEEEooo (June 26 – July 21)!! Venus is what we enjoy and what makes us feel good. In Leo, we like to treat ourselves to indulgences, create things, and get attention.
29:25 – Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! Big thanks to donors JASMINE VIEHE, MELANIE HARDCASTLE, and GENINE BAREL We’ll see y’all in two weeks!
![086 | The Cancer Solstice (Not that there’s anything wrong with that!)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
086 | The Cancer Solstice (Not that there’s anything wrong with that!)
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
April and Jen take the 405 and exit at the Cancer Solstice - where they belong! We also welcome a Virgo First Quarter Moon, sit tight while Saturn squares Uranus for the second of three times, and raise a glass to Jupiter turning retrograde. Plus: our favorite songs from 1986, happy reviews, and Jen (finally) reminds April to move to Minneapolis (again!).
Love the BSA pod? Want to hear the top-secret Cancer Solstice episode? Contribute $5 or more and receive a year of exclusive content: https://bit.ly/3gca5Z1!
Leave your favorite songs from 1986 at our website https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com!
Read a full transcript of this episode: https://www.bigskyastrology.com/transcript-ep-86/
00:30 – Our favorite songs of 1986! April’s top choices include “Holding Back the Years” by Simply Red, and “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel. Jen loves Madonna’s “Live to Tell” (it’s April-approved!) and Whitney Houston’s “How Will I Know?” Hear all our 80s picks here: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY. We post our episodes on YouTube as well: https://bit.ly/3uQtlPR.
06:00 – Saturn, at 13.06 Aquarius, squares Uranus in Taurus (June 14) for the second of three times. (The first one was Feb. 17; the last one is Dec. 24.) Saturn tries to constrain; Uranus tries to break free. We first discussed this in Ep. 69: https://bit.ly/3pEO3Bo. (And do enjoy The Californians on SNL: https://youtu.be/Tt-tG6ufH90!)
10:53 – This week’s Moonwatch segment is brought to you by Bernard Charles, The Color Mage! Check out his color therapy card decks: https://thecolormage.com/ (Want to see April’s Majestic card? Click here!)
14:30 – *MOONWATCH * This week brings a First Quarter Moon (FQM) at 27.09 Virgo (June 17/18) on the Sabian symbol, “A bald-headed man.” (Not that there’s anything wrong with that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGAyQAkXajg&t=135s!) The Sun sits on 28 Gemini, “A man declared bankrupt.” Time to take action! This FQM brings us back to Sept. 2020 and to the Gemini New Moon eclipse from last week. (Read about the lunar phase families: https://bit.ly/3wfSjcO.)
19:14 – Mercury retrograde (Rx) in Gemini rules this FQM. Look to the past for the key to the action you’re invited to take.
20:20 – Jupiter turns Rx at 2.11 Pisces (June 20) on the symbol, “A petrified forest.” The King has been direct since Sep. 12, 2020, and last turned Rx May 14, 2020.
26:18 – The Sun enters Cancer: It’s the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, and the Winter Solstice down under (June 20, 8:32 pm PDT)! And if you’d like to hear even more about the Cancer Solstice and receive our exclusive episode, donate $5 or more at https://bit.ly/3gca5Z1 – it includes a year’s worth of top-secret content! Thank you!
31:00 – Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! Big thanks to donors ANNA S KELLY, KRISTINE LANKENAU, and TIFFANY JOSEPHS! If you like the show, you can always contribute at https://bit.ly/3gca5Z1. (If you donate $5 or more, we’ll invite you to our special episodes for the equinoxes/solstices!) You can also read show notes and transcripts and leave comments at our site!
![085 | Gemini Solar Eclipse: Duets and Doublewide Hair!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
085 | Gemini Solar Eclipse: Duets and Doublewide Hair!
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
April and Jen celebrate their favorite songs from 1985, and the Big Sky Astrology website turns 21! A Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10 includes a Sun/Mercury conjunction, Sun/Neptune square, AND a looming Saturn/Uranus aspect to make things super lively. Also: How do you say Uranus? And Mars enters Leeeooooooo! Plus: Cowboy bars, cazimi, and the Great Gazoo!
Order April’s exclusive eclipse report at https://www.eclipse-astrology.com
Love the BSA pod? Make a donation or leave a comment at https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com.
Read a full transcript of this episode: https://bit.ly/3wYbOGZ
00:30 - Perms we’ve known and loved, plus our top songs from 1985! Jen rocks to Tina Turner’s “Better Be Good to Me” and Bonnie Raitt and John Prine’s duet of his magical “Angel from Montgomery.” (April recalls another duet of this song from her misspent youth, singing in cowboy bars.) April adds “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears, and A-ha’s “Take on Me.” Hear all our 80s picks here: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY. We post our episodes on YouTube as well: https://bit.ly/3uQtlPR.
06:13 - Big Sky Astrology turns 21 on the day of the Solar Eclipse, June 10! Here's what it looked like back in 2001.
08:23 - *MOONWATCH * Gemini New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 19.47 Gemini (June 10). The eclipse is at the Moon’s North Node, so its awakenings move us in the direction of growth, curiosity, learning, and open-mindedness! Is it visible where you are? Check here: https://bit.ly/3cg1YII
09:49 - The Sun and Moon conjoin Mercury retrograde, so look to the past for lessons learned or unfinished. Expect visitations from the past, if only in memory, possibly from previous years in this eclipse cycle: June 1983, June 2002, Dec. 1992, and Dec. 2011. Look to the Gemini house(s) of your birth chart and any planets between 16-24° of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, to see where you’ll be affected.
13:10 - Order April’s Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report (https://bit.ly/2QFU6bE)!
14:05 - Saturn/Uranus approach the second of three squares next week. This is a year-long arc of tension between laws and liberty, playing by the rules and breaking them. We discussed the first square (Feb. 17) in Ep. 69: https://bit.ly/3z5d2lJ.
14:59 - Sun conjunct Mercury, also June 10. Jen breaks down this inferior conjunction (https://bit.ly/3pu010E), prompting a musical interlude and evoking memories of a 1960s cartoon character: https://bit.ly/2Se1zzr
16:05 - Mars enters LEEEEoooo! on June 11. It will meet some testy aspects here; expect frustration and short tempers, but conflict is usually short-lived with Mars in fire signs. It will be at its strongest between July 22, when the Sun enters Leo, and July 29, when Mars enters Virgo and your hosts have their fit and feisty Mars returns!
18:54 - Venus sextiles Uranus on June 12. Homebody Venus in Cancer is invited to venture out for a change of scenery, and relationships could get a little perking up. Plus: How do you pronounce Uranus?
20:45 - The Sun squares Neptune (June 13) and is reminded to be aware of others’ feelings and needs. Physical energy could be low. Pay attention to your body; slow down when needed. This square also influences Mars in Leo. New ideas or projects can suddenly run into unexpected issues, confusion, and/or communication issues.
24:34 - Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! Big thanks to donors Janice Manson, Anna Rolin, and Nancy Creighton! If you like the show, you can always contribute at https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com. (If you donate $5 or more, we’ll invite you to our special episodes for the equinoxes/solstices!) You can also read show notes and transcripts and leave comments at our site!
![084 | Venus enters Cancer: Everything’s Coming Up Throw Pillows!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday May 30, 2021
084 | Venus enters Cancer: Everything’s Coming Up Throw Pillows!
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
After a sentimental detour into their favorite hits from 1984, April and Jen savor the Sun’s cuddle with the North Node; welcome a kinder, gentler Last Quarter Moon in Pisces; hit Bed, Bath, & Beyond with Venus in home-loving Cancer; bask in Saturn’s support of their Solar creative efforts; try to sort out a hopelessly confused Mercury retrograde square Neptune; and give up on fighting City Hall as Mars opposes Pluto. Plus: Gouda, throw pillows, and peripatetic chicken statues.
Love the BSA pod? To make a donation or leave a comment, go to https://www.BigSkyAstropod.com.
Peruse the BSA website to book a reading with April, enjoy her weekly essays, or sign up for her mailing list at https://www.bigskyastrology.com!
Read a full transcript of this episode: https://bit.ly/2RPBOW4
00:30 – To April’s delight, June 4 is National Hug Your Cat Day AND National Cheese Day! And happily for Jen and a special canine someone in her life, June 5 is National Black Bear Day! .
01:22 – We continue our musical tribute with our favorite songs from 1984: April goes with Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and John Waite’s “Missing You.” Jen picks fellow Minnesotan Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy” and “Get Up, Stand Up” by Bob Marley and the Wailers. Sing along with our full 1980s playlist: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY.
04:33 – The Sun conjoins the North Node (May 31), a signal that we’re in the heart of eclipse season. The North Node moves us forward, and with the Sun conjunct this point, our will and creative energy are the impetus. Be willing to be seen!
07:31 *MOONWATCH!* The Pisces Last Quarter Moon (June 2) at 11.59 Pisces/Gemini urges us to complete chapters begun at the May 11 Taurus New Moon, as well as from March 2019. What did you initiate then, and how are you doing so far? Look at the big picture and take a gentle approach.
12:02 - Venus enters Cancer (June 2 – 28), and soon trines Jupiter in Pisces (June 3). This is a homebody Venus that enjoys being with people she loves and cooking for them. Want to beautify your home? Tip: Watch spending as Venus trines Jupiter. The more throw-pillows the better!
15:42 – Order April’s Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report (https://bit.ly/2QFU6bE)! Woot!
16:38 – As the Sun trines Saturn (June 3) at 13.24 Gemini/Aquarius, Saturn helps us use our unpolished, natural gifts to best advantage. Saturn now supports and rewards the work we did at the May 3 Sun/Saturn square. This aspect can rein in Venus/Jupiter excesses. Appropriately, April finds Saturn all too exhausting to talk about.
19:06 – Mercury made its first of three squares to Neptune on May 22. This week brings the second square (June 5); it will make a third on July 6. Three chances to cut through the fog. Plus, a recap of Mercury’s current retrograde season.
21:25 - Mars/Pluto came together in March 2020 as the pandemic emerged; as Mars opposes Pluto (June 5, at 27.27 Cancer/Capricorn), we can now see where we’re at. Mars in Cancer hesitates to go on the offensive, but can get pinchy when cornered. It’s tough to beat Pluto, though! Mars in Cancer is ruled by the Moon in Aries today, though, and won’t give in without a fight (but don’t go looking for one). Rely on your ability to build alliances to protect yourself and your interests.
26:38 - Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! You can read show notes and full transcripts and leave your comments at www.bigskyastropod.com.
27:21 - This episode is brought to you by kind donors Robert Murdock, Colleen Moffett, and Sharmeen Khan! If you like the show, you can always make a contribution at https://www.BigSkyAstropod.com. (If you donate $5 or more, we’ll invite you to our special episodes for the equinoxes/solstices!)
![083 | Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Is That How You Chew?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday May 23, 2021
083 | Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Is That How You Chew?
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
April and Jen mix it up with our favorite tunes from 1983! The year’s first eclipse is a Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse with a dash of Jupiter. Venus collides with Neptune to reveal the truth about a relationship, and Mercury unites with Venus just before turning retrograde - share words of love with important people, and prepare for visitations from the past. Also, Mars and Neptune make peace across enemy lines. Plus: concert memories, brown-outs, and moments of “oh”!
Love the BSA pod? To make a thank-you donation or leave a comment for us, go to https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com.
Peruse the Big Sky Astrology website to book a reading with April, enjoy her weekly essays, or sign up for her mailing list at https://www.bigskyastrology.com!
Read a full transcript of this episode: https://www.bigskyastrology.com/transcript-ep-83/
00:30 –This episode we share our favorite songs from 1983! April goes with Spandau Ballet’s “True” and “Sweet Dreams are Made of This” by Eurythmics. Jen calls out “Karma Chameleon” (in honor of her parents; hear their charming appearance on Ep. 22, https://bit.ly/3oD3k5a) and Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing.” Groove to our full 1980s playlist at: https://bit.ly/3fHbbKY.
05:08 - Recent changes to Apple Podcasts may be delaying delivery of our new episodes, truncating our show notes, and disabling hyperlinks. Never fear: You can listen to new episodes immediately and enjoy our show notes in all their glory at our website, https://www.bigskyastropod.com.
08:04 - The Sagittarius Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (May 26, 5.25°) tickles planets in your chart between about 1-9° of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, or Virgo, and stirs up the Sagittarius house. (Need help finding it? April’s blog post might help: https://bit.ly/3yFOY8T.) For a long soak in the astrology of eclipses, revisit Ep. 5, Unboxing Eclipses (https://bit.ly/3wprEKq), and maybe order April’s Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report (https://bit.ly/2QFU6bE)! This total lunar eclipse will be visible in Australia, parts of the western US, western South America, and South-East Asia: https://bit.ly/3hLKd7v.
19:25 - Venus makes a square aspect to Neptune on May 27 at 22.58 Gemini/Pisces. Seeing clearly in relationship and money matters could lead to some disillusionment or disappointment. Can you love someone as they really are instead of as you thought they were. Look out for the moments of, “Oh!”
23:34 - Just before Mercury stations retrograde (May 29) it conjoins Venus (May 28); if you love someone, tell them so. Mercury Rx may bring visits of important people from your past, or at least memories of them. For more on Mercury Rx (through June 22), revisit the classic Ep. 12 Mercury Rx: Where are My Pants https://bit.ly/3wsPd4W, and Ep. 80, Mercury and Venus Enter Gemini: They’re Pie-adjacent! https://bit.ly/3499Sz6.
29:12 - Mars and Neptune are the planets of war and peace, respectively. As they come together in a trine aspect on May 30 at 23.01 Cancer (A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south) and Pisces (An inhabited isle), declare a truce! April shares the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914, a respite in battle with unexpected kindness between warring troops during WWI.
32:02 - Thanks for listening to the Big Sky Astrology Podcast! If you like what you’re hearing, be sure to subscribe/follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! You can read show notes and full transcripts and leave your comments about each episode at our website, https://www.BigSkyAstroPod.com.
32:52 - This episode is brought to by our kind donors Elena Sokolova, Janie Cooke, and Margee Claudon! If you’re a listener who didn’t get a chance to support us during our Podathon, you can always make a contribution at our website, https://www.BigSkyAstropod.com. And if you donate $5 or more, we’ll invite you to our special episodes for the equinoxes and solstices.
![082 | Sun Enters Gemini: Phone Home!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2574464/podcast-logo-april_300x300.jpg)
Sunday May 16, 2021
082 | Sun Enters Gemini: Phone Home!
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
April and Jen roll up their sleeves as the Sun enters busy Gemini, authoritative Saturn turns retrograde, and a Leo First Quarter Moon encourages heartfelt action. Also: Venus has a fated meeting with the Lunar North Node and then heeds Saturn’s advice to take fun seriously; the Sun is empowered by Pluto but overdoes it with Jupiter; and communicative Mercury forgets what to say with Neptune, so makes a collage instead! Plus: E.T., summer road trips, and our favorite songs from 1982!
To view the full episode show notes and the many website links, go to www.BigSkyAstroPod.com. (You can also leave a comment on our site, or make a contribution to support the show!)
Eclipse season is nigh: Sign up for April’s free eclipse webinar! (And order your personalized eclipse report!)
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00:30 – April and Jen reminisce about 1982 and the sweet movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, as well as some great songs: Rio, Tainted Love, Shadows of the Night, and Someday, Someway. (To enjoy all of our favorites from the 80s, check out our YouTube playlist! And if you’d like to tell us about your own favorite tunes from 1982, leave a comment at the website!)
04:47 – Congrats, April! The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology is on Business Insider's list of top astrology books! (And a special thanks to Elisabeth Grace who nominated April’s book – do check out her fantastic weekly forecast that looks at astrology and news headlines!)
06:25 – The Sun, at 26.43 Taurus, trines Pluto in Capricorn (May 17), which can be an aspect of personal empowerment! The Sun represents our will and confidence, so perhaps powerful forces will be on your side today.
07:39 – Donuts, anyone? Venus joins the North Node at 10.46 Gemini (May 17). Venus represents important people in our lives, and the Nodes can feel fated – perhaps an important person will enter your orbit. It could also be realizing financial goals or getting on the right financial path. Or moving in a path that is true to your values and – dare we say? – fun! (To learn more about the Lunar Nodes, revisit Episode 5, Unboxing Eclipses… which will also get you prepared for next week’s eclipse!).
11:30 – This week’s Moonwatch segment is brought to you by our non-imaginary sponsor: Victoria Pendragon! Check out her personal natal chart paintings!
13:35 – **MOONWATCH ** This week we celebrate a Leo First Quarter Moon (FQM) on May 19! The Moon is at 29.01 Leo on the Sabian symbol, “An unsealed letter.” And the Sun is in Taurus on a symbol featuring April & Jen’s new favorite animal, “A peacock parading on an ancient lawn”! This FQM encourages us to get out there and show our hearts. Let yourself be seen, because perhaps what is holding you back is doing sharing on that level – by showing who you are! (This FQM is connected to a cycle and a lunar phase family that began 9 months ago. Episode 39, Leo New Moon: A Rainbow at Daybreak will help you remember what was happening then!)
19:15 – Eclipse season is here: Sign up for April’s free eclipse webinar! (Eclipses often signal a change that you didn’t see coming. Want to learn about how the eclipses impact your personal birth chart? You can find April’s exclusive Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse report on her website! It’s a goodie!)
20:36 – Venus trines Saturn at 13.30 Aquarius (May 19/20). The planet of relationships is on the symbol, “A conversation by telepathy,” and the school principal of the zodiac is on the symbol, “A train entering a tunnel.” Take what you love seriously! Or this could be a cosmic suggestion to pursue more of the things that give you pleasure and make you happy.
24:26 – The Sun enters Gemini (May 20 - June 20)! In Gemini season, we find joy through communication, getting a change of scenery, enjoying our neighborhoods, and talking to siblings, among other things.
26:42 – The Sun barely enters Gemini when it squares Jupiter at 00.46 Pisces (May 21). Did they swap Sabian symbols? The Sun is on, “A glass bottomed boat in still water,” and Jupiter is on, “A public market.” This aspect encourages us to do more and expand our horizons, but think twice before taking on new obligations – Jupiter tends to overdo things. (This is the opening square from a cycle that began January 28, 2021. Lend your ears to Episode 66, Leo Full Moon: Dinner and Bingo! for more.)
29:42 – How to say this? Mercury, at 22.53 Gemini, squares Neptune in Pisces (May 22/23). This can indicate a struggle to express what’s inexpressible… we’re at a loss for what else to say… 😉 But this is a great aspect for intuition and imagination! Do a visual, creative project if you’d like. Or check out the feelings wheel to help you name your emotions!
32:37 – Be the author of your own story! Saturn stations retrograde at 13.31 Aquarius on May 23. Themes of boundaries, authority figures, and establishing routines and structures might arise. How are you setting up your life so that it supports the direction in which you’re going?
35:35 – So many free ways to support the BSA podcast, friends: Kindly rate us 5 stars, subscribe or follow, and/or leave a warm review – here’s how! This episode is made possible by donors JAN GRIFFIN, FRANCINE PARLING, and ANGELA NIETUPSKI! Thank you, Jan, Francine, and Angela, for contributing to our Podathon! If other happy listeners would like to support the show, contribute $5 or more and we’ll send you an invite to our upcoming exclusive solstice episode – just a month away!