Sunday Jul 09, 2023
186 | Mars in Virgo: Untangling Knotty Problems!
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
This week: A busy Aries Last Quarter Moon finds us leaping from our hammocks and scratching for resources; Mars enters Virgo, whose high standards make for excellent work and a touch of crankiness; Mercury opposes suspicious Pluto, then enters expressive Leo; a bright sextile between the Sun and Uranus offers reinvention. And April answers a couple of listener questions about what it means when the sign on a house cusp seems to contradict the meaning of the house itself. Plus: Bowling, odd bedfellows, and knotty problems!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:17] Moon Report! The Aries Last Quarter Moon (July 9, 6:47 PM PDT) is at 17º35’ Aries and Cancer, on the Sabian symbols 18 Aries, An empty hammock and 18 Cancer, A hen scratching for her chicks.
[1:46] This is the Last Quarter Moon in the Gemini New Moon cycle that began June 17, 2023, with the Sun and Moon square Neptune and a certain amount of friction between clear and practical thinking versus what our intuition says is true.
[3:15] It's also the Last Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle that began on the April 11th, 2021 Aries New Moon. We have seen results and can take final action on something that we conceived then.
[4:44] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 10 (4:11 PM PDT) the Moon in Aries squares Mercury in Cancer. It's VOC for 44 minutes before it enters Taurus (4:55 PM PDT). More conflict between the mind and the gut.
[6:41] On July 12th (11:11 PM PDT), the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto. It’s VOC for about 1 ¼ hours before it enters Gemini on July 13 (12:26 AM PDT). This is a wonderful aspect and a really effective VOC Moon period for manifesting something in your life!
[8:33] On July 15 (5:35 AM PDT) the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for about 4 ½ hours before it enters Cancer (10:13 AM PDT). Contemplate what it is to verbalize versus experience our feelings.
[10:50] Mars enters Virgo on July 10 (4:40 AM PDT). The Red Planet will be in Virgo until Aug. 27. Mars in Virgo says that we’ll rely on our skills and our wit for survival.
[11:52] Mars is a planet of work, and while it's in Virgo, pay great attention to detail. Precision is valued in our work, and it's a great time to acquire a new skill. But don’t let the small stuff get to ya!
[13:35] Mercury opposes Pluto at 29º23’ Cancer-Capricorn on July 10 (1:48 PM PDT). Suspicions are high but should dissipate when Mercury enters Leo. Try not to say anything that you’ll later regret.
[15:32] Mercury enters Pizzazz Master Leeeeeooooo on July 10 (9:11 PM PDT) and will remain until it enters one of its domiciles, Virgo, on July 28th. Mark your calendars now: Mercury's next retrograde period is Aug. 23-Sep. 15!
[18:05] The Sun sextiles Uranus at 22º15’ Cancer and Taurus on July 14 (4:02 PM PDT). The Sun’s Sabian symbol is 23 Cancer, A meeting of a literary society, and Uranus is on 23 Taurus, A jewelry shop. If we're willing to share our thoughts in an honest way, but equally willing to listen to the feedback from others, then we stand to gain something valuable.
[20:44] Listeners Scout and Teresa ask about how to interpret contradictory house and sign combinations.
[27:38] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[28:13] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Jacinta Armstrong and Marina Vasilic!
[29:14] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the donors-only Cancer Solstice bonus episode!
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
185 | Capricorn Full Moon and Mercury Outside the Box!
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
This week, the Capricorn Full Moon grooves to the deliberate pace of Jupiter in Taurus; Mercury’s connections with Uranus and Neptune emphasize brilliant thinking and imaginative, lyrical self-expression; and April answers a listener question about how long a transiting planet influences your birth chart. Plus: An offer from Pluto that is difficult, but not impossible, to refuse; waiting for your ship to come in; and Mercury is out-of-bounds (and outside the box)!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:14] Moon Report! A Full Moon in Capricorn (July 3, 4:39 AM PDT) emphasizes Capricorn and Cancer and marks the midway point of the current Gemini New Moon cycle, as well as the halfway point of the year.
[3:26] This Full Moon answers the “call” of the Dec. 23, 2022 Capricorn New Moon, which squared Jupiter in Aries and was packed with ambition and enthusiasm. This Full Moon, trine Jupiter in Taurus, is a lot more relaxed. How can we actually tackle the intentions we made at that Capricorn New Moon?
[5:10] This is the Full Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle that began at the January 2, 2022 New Moon (12º20’ Capricorn). Other important dates in this cycle are Oct. 2, 2022 (First Quarter) and Apr. 1, 2024 (Last Quarter).
[6:23] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. The Capricorn Moon conjoins Pluto on July 4 (9:45 AM PDT). It’s VOC for about 45 minutes before entering Aquarius (10:30 AM PDT). If you’re in the United States and have to work on the 4th of July holiday, see if you can't get that work done in the morning. Enjoy the rest of the day, after the Moon enters Aquarius, having fun celebrating with people close to you.
[8:47] On July 6th (6:42 AM PDT), the Moon in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo, then is VOC for about 3 ¼ hours before entering Pisces (10:32 AM PDT). Watch out for heated online discussions about friends, the future and technology.
[10:17] The Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto on July 8th (11:22 AM PDT). It’s VOC for just under one hour before entering Aries (12:19 PM PDT). Will you accept an invitation to step into powerful emotions and a more powerful role?
[11:30] This is Mercury’s week! In Episode 184, we learned that transiting Mercury is out-of-bounds through July 7th. Think and communicate outside the box but be mindful of others’ feelings.
[12:42] On July 6 (9:54 PM PDT), Mercury sextiles Uranus at 21º57’ Cancer and Taurus. Mercury’s Sabian symbol is 22 Cancer, Woman awaiting a sailboat. Uranus is on 22 Taurus, White dove over troubled waters. Do a little bit of brainstorming to tackle a creative, work or home project. Brilliant ideas could arise!
[15:25] On July 9 (4:57 PM PDT), Mercury trines Neptune at 27º39’ Cancer and Pisces. Neptune is on the Sabian symbol 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under a Full Moon. Mercury is at 28 Cancer, A modern Pocahontas. Head down to the beach with your musical instrument of choice and woo someone special under the bright, sparkling stars.
[18:20] Listener Kyle asks how long a transiting planet has influence over your birth chart. It depends, but April offers some rules of thumb!
[26:23] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[26:55] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Judie Ricciardi and Lori Rodefer!
[27:58] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Cancer Solstice bonus episode for donors only!
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
184 | Libra First Quarter Moon: The True Inner Knowledge!
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
This week, the Libra First Quarter Moon prompts an equal exchange of views; Venus and Mars aspecting Uranus bring the unexpected in money and love; Mercury enters quiet Cancer; Saturn brings rewards; Neptune turns retrograde; and April answers a Listener Question about out-of-bounds planets. Plus: Zigging and zagging, well-dressed rabbits, and going rogue!
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[1:13] Moon Report! The Libra First Quarter Moon on June 26 (12:50 AM PDT) at 04º29’ Libra is on the Sabian symbol 5 Libra, Man teaching true inner knowledge. Share what you’ve been planning, but don’t forget to listen as well.
[3:03] This First Quarter Moon makes an out-of-sign opposition to Neptune at 27°40’ Pisces. Have a conversation with a trusted person and rely on your gut.
[4:32] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. The Moon in Libra squares Pluto on June 28 (1:19 AM PDT). It's VOC for 36 minutes before entering Scorpio (1:55 AM PDT). Is it more important to please other people or to be truly yourself?
[6:34] On June 30 (7:20 AM PDT) the Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto. It's VOC for 39 minutes before entering Sagittarius (7:59 AM PDT). Keep an eye out for helpful and sensitive information; take this opportunity to gain mastery over strong emotions.
[8:04] On July 2, the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune (6:33 AM PDT). It's VOC for 4 3/4 hours, then enters Capricorn (10:20 AM PDT). Avoid getting so invested in being right that you overlook the things of faith.
[9:46] Mars squares Uranus on June 26 (2:23 AM PDT) at 21º29’ Leo and Taurus, on the Sabian symbols 22 Leo A carrier pigeon and 22 Taurus White dove over troubled waters. Move mindfully; embrace collaborations.
[11:43] Mercury enters Cancer (June 26, 5:24 pm PDT through July 10). Reach out to loved ones and err on the side of gentleness and caution. Enjoy creative writing projects and journaling.
[14:21] The Sun and Mercury trine Saturn on (June 28, 6:42 PM PDT/June 29, 11:23 pm PDT, respectively). The Sun and Mercury are on the Sabian symbol 8 Cancer: Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade. Saturn is on 8 Pisces, A girl blowing a bugle. Get gussied up and prepare to be acknowledged for your achievements, your leadership and your maturity!
[15:14] What obstacles have you experienced since the Sun squared Saturn on May 28? Look for your efforts to be rewarded.
[17:01] Neptune stations retrograde on June 30 (2:06 PM PDT, 27º41’ Pisces, through Dec. 6, 2023). Look inside for faith and clarity and set aside time for devotional practices.
[19:58] The Sun and Mercury come together on June 30 (10:06 PM PDT) at 09º08’ Cancer and sextile Jupiter on July 1 (12.10 am PDT and 3:26 am PDT, respectively). The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Mercury is 10 Cancer, A large diamond, not completely cut. Go ahead and ask for things, even ones you’re not sure you're ready or qualified for.
[21:31] On July 2 (7:33 AM PDT), Venus squares Uranus at 21º46 Leo and Taurus. Will you get what you want or will those efforts be interrupted by the unexpected?
[23:23] Listener Deborah asks out-of-bounds planets via Speakpipe. Here is a link to Astro.com’s 9,000 year ephemeris.
[29:09] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[29:42] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Shauna Hickey and Jolae Brocato!
[30:42] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Cancer Solstice bonus episode for donors only!
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
183 | Cancer Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn: Better Driving Through Sextiles!
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
This week, the Sun enters Cancer and reaches its Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Jupiter and Saturn make their first major aspect since their Dec. 2020 conjunction. The Sun takes a magic carpet ride but is diverted by a North Node wakeup call. And April answers a Listener Question about how to integrate the astrology you hear in podcasts, like this one, into your daily life. Plus: Farmland quilts, the cobbler’s shoeless children, and feeling safe in an unsafe world.
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:12] Jupiter sextiles Saturn on June 19th (8:53 AM PDT) at 07°12’ Taurus and Pisces. This is the first major aspect Jupiter and Saturn have made since they conjoined on the Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2020 at 00°29’ Aquarius.
[2:47] Jupiter-Saturn aspects in general are about how we calibrate the urge to expand with the need to be cautious and deliberate. We are driving with one foot on the gas and then one foot on the brake, coordinating back and forth between the two. Episode 61 covered the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
[5:26] The Sun enters Cancer on June 21st (7:58 AM PDT). This transit marks the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
[6:09] We planted seeds at the Aries Equinox, gathered resources under the Taurus Sun, and cross-pollinated during Gemini season. Now, as the Sun enters Cancer, we sit in the nest and wait for things to hatch.
[9:02] Mercury sextiles Mars on June 21st (8:23 AM PDT) at 18°39’ of Gemini and Leo. Put ideas into dramatic and creative action!
[10:10] On June 23rd (8:55 AM PDT), the Sun makes a sextile to the North Node of the Moon at 01°56’ Cancer and Taurus. The Sabian symbol for the Sun at this sextile is 2 Cancer, A man on a magic carpet hovers over a large area of land. The Sabian symbol for the North Node is 2 Taurus, An electrical storm.
[12:09] A sextile aspect represents an opportunity, invitation, or a thought. It brings benefits if you make an effort to take advantage of opportunities. Use the reflective quality of Cancer season to get more perspective on what is available.
[13:22] Moon Report! There are no major lunations this week, so let’s focus on the Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On June 20th (2:43 PM PDT), the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. It will be VOC for 21 minutes before entering Leo (3:04 PM PDT). This is the first time the Moon in Cancer has made an opposition to Pluto since March 3, 2023. This is a time to go back and visit some emotional patterns that we might have thought we had worked through and gotten past.
[15:14] On June 22nd (10:00 AM PDT), the Moon in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. This kicks off a VOC Moon period that lasts for 17 ½ hours (!!!). The Moon enters Virgo on June 23rd (3:35 AM PDT). Ask yourself during this VOC Moon period, “Am I willing to risk feeling uncomfortable in order to pursue my passion?”
[17:00] The Moon in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on June 25th (3:54 PM PDT). It will be VOC for just a little over a half an hour before entering Libra (3:57 PM PDT). Think less about being perfect and more about being helpful.
[19:09] Listener Edna asks about how to integrate the astrology you hear in podcasts into daily life. You may want to consider an astrological journal such as the Honeycomb Collective Astrological Almanac. Check out April’s Working with the Moon workbook as well - free at each New Moon for subscribers!
[25:39] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[26:10] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Charlotte Benzinger and Priscilla Orta-Wenner!
[27:07] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Aries Equinox and Cancer Solstice bonus episodes for donors only!
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
182 | Gemini New Moon: The Sleepwalker Awakens!
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
This week: A Gemini New Moon with a heavy dash of Neptune awakens us from sleepwalking. Mercury aspects Saturn, which adds perseverance to mental agility. Saturn turns retrograde, sending us inward for authority and guidance. And April answers a Listener Question about what to do when someone judges you based on your Sun sign (how rude!). Plus: Toe-nibbling crabs, walking it like we talk it, and seriously: signs are not people.
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:03] Mercury squares Saturn (June 15, 9:09 AM PDT) at 07°12’ Gemini and Pisces. The Sabian symbol for Mercury is 8 Gemini, An industrial strike, and Saturn is on 8 Pisces, A girl blowing a bugle. Wake up, and apply Saturn’s stick-to-itiveness to intellectual projects.
[3:15] Mercury sextiles Venus (June 17, 8:29 AM PDT) at 10°49’ Gemini and Leo. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 11 Leo, Children on a swing in a huge oak tree, and Mercury is on 11 Gemini, A new path of realism in experience. This is a wonderful aspect to take advantage of opportunities for expressing yourself through writing or maybe through your very own podcast!
[4:56] Saturn stations to turn retrograde (June 17, 10:27 AM PDT) at 07°12’ Pisces, on the Sabian symbol, 8 Pisces, A girl blowing a bugle. Look inward for a sense of authority, and revisit themes from March 7 - June 17, 2023. Saturn will turn direct on November 4th at 00°30’ Pisces.
[7:19] Moon Report! The Gemini New Moon (June 17, 9:37 PM PDT) is at 26°43’ Gemini. The chart of this New Moon features the Sun and Moon square Neptune in Pisces while Venus and Mars in Leo approach squares to Uranus in Taurus.
[8:27] The Sun squares Neptune at 27°39’ of Gemini and Pisces on June 18 (8:54 PM PDT). The Sabian symbol for the Sun is A man declared bankrupt. When we've lost everything, we have many more options available to us and a greater sense of freedom.
[9:32] Need a few ideas of what to put behind your New Moon intentions? Reboot and come up with a fresh way of communicating. Tell a new story about who you are. Learn a new language, such as astrology. Play outside more!
[10:56] This New Moon begins a new Lunar Phase Family Cycle. The First Quarter Moon in the cycle is on March 16, 2024 at 27°03’ Gemini, the Full Moon is on December 15, 2024 at 20°52’ Gemini, and the Last Quarter Moon comes on September 14, 2025 at 21°52’.
[12:33] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On June 13 (11:27 AM PDT), the Moon in Aries squares Pluto at 29°57’ Aries and Capricorn. It's VOC for only four minutes before it enters Taurus (11:31 AM PDT). This aspect triggers themes from the April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse at 29°50’ Aries. Ask, “How can I change my emotional habits so that I'm less impulsive, but also less hidebound by tradition and the way things ‘have to be’ done?"
[14:18] On June 15th (6:36 PM PDT), the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn. It's VOC for just nine minutes before it enters Gemini (6:45 PM PDT). Consider this affirmation: "Because of the things that I've done, I'm in a better, stronger position. I know my own mind a little bit better. I'm in control of my emotions."
[15:02] On June 17th, the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune (11:24 PM PDT). It's VOC for four and a half hours before it enters Cancer on June 18 (3:58 AM PDT). Before you hit the hay, make an intention to capture your dreams for later translation.
[17:06] Listener Lady Vuvuzela asks about what to do when someone judges you based on your Sun sign.
[24:13] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[24:50] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors David Ianni and Christine Flanagan!
[25:49] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Aries Equinox and Cancer Solstice bonus episodes for donors only!
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
181 | Pluto Backs into Capricorn, Venus Enters Leo: Look on the Bright Side!
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
This week, Venus enters warm-hearted Leo for an extended stay and immediately stubs its toe on Pluto - but it also makes the first of three motivating aspects with Jupiter! The Pisces Last Quarter Moon weighs speed and variety against a more leisurely, heartfelt pace. Mercury enters Gemini, Pluto enters Capricorn, and April answers a Listener Question about how to read an aspect between two very different planets in the chart. Plus: A nursery full of crying babies, prisoners on a chain gang, and the shortest Void-of-Course Moon period on record!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:18] Venus enters Leo on June 5th (6:46 AM PDT). Venus will get almost to the end of the sign, 28°36’ Leo, before it turns retrograde on July 22, 2023. It stations direct on September 3, 2023 and enters Virgo on October 8, 2023.
[2:16] While Venus is in Leo, love like a warm-hearted lion! It’s time to socialize, party and entertain loved ones!
[3:38] Venus will oppose Pluto on June 5th (9:04 AM PDT) at 00°05’ Leo and Aquarius. Maybe keep yourself to yourself a little bit and with the people who know and love you best.
[4:56] Venus will square the Lunar Nodes on June 8th (1:37 PM PDT) at 03°04’ of Leo and Taurus. The Sabian symbol for the North Node at this square is 4 Taurus, The rainbow's pot of gold. Find that “pot of gold” by sharing more of yourself, your talents and Leonine social impulses.
[7:42] Moon Report! The Pisces Last Quarter Moon (June 10th, 12:31 PM PDT) at 19°40’ Pisces is on the Sabian symbol, A table set for an evening meal. It squares the Sun at 19°40’ Gemini, on the Sabian symbol, A cafeteria. This Last Quarter Moon is also in a conjunction with Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces. What's more important, having convenience and variety or taking the time to settle in with people that we care about?
[9:46] This is the Last Quarter Phase in a Lunar Phase Family that began with the New Moon on March 13th, 2021 at 23° Pisces. The First Quarter in the Lunar Phase Cycle was on December 10th, 2021, and the Full Moon was on September 10th, 2022. What needs to happen to complete the intentions set at that March 2021 New Moon?
[10:53] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on June 6th (9:40 PM PDT) and will be VOC for about four hours before entering Aquarius on June 7th (1:41 AM PDT). You may have a dream, but how do you make it real?"
[12:14] The Moon in Aquarius, in its Disseminating phase, squares Mercury in Taurus on June 8th (9:24 PM PDT). It's VOC for a little under six hours and then enters Pisces on June 9th (3:14 AM PDT). The Disseminating Lunar Phase is a time to tell your story. During this VOC period, tell your story, even if it's a little bit emotionally charged to do so.
[13:07] On June 11th, the Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto and will be VOC for a whopping 16 seconds, between 6:20:08 AM PDT and 6:20:24 AM PDT! The Moon says, “Welcome back to Capricorn, lil’ Pluto!”
[13:56] Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn on June 11th (2:35 AM PDT). Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023. It stations direct on October 10th, 2023 at 27°53’ Capricorn. Pluto was at these degrees the first week of January 2023. How well are we doing with the practical considerations of Pluto in Capricorn?
[16:05] Mercury trines Pluto on June 11th (3:26:04 AM PDT) at 29°59’ of Taurus and Capricorn and enters Gemini 32 seconds later (3:26:36 AM PDT). The Sabian symbol for Pluto is 30 Capricorn, A secret business conference. Use the power of information in the most impactful way possible.
[17:58] Mercury will enter Gemini, one of its domiciles, on June 11th (3:26 AM PDT). It will be in Gemini until June 26, 2023 Use this time to catch up on all things Gemini, such as short-distance travel, taking tests, socializing and conquering a pile of paperwork.
[18:38] On June 11th (8:39 AM PDT), Venus squares Jupiter at 05°37’ Leo and Taurus. This is the first of three squares that Venus will make with Jupiter; the second is on August 22nd while Venus is retrograde, and then again on September 16th, 2023. This combo can equal a tremendous appetite for whatever it is we like. Venus is on the Sabian symbol, 6 Leo, Old-fashioned woman and up to date girl. Jupiter is on 6 Taurus, A bridge being built across a gorge.
[20:42] Listener Stephanie asks via SpeakPipe about interpreting an aspect between two planets in a chart.
[27:20] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[27:51] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Alison Heacock and PJ Spur!
[28:51] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Aries Equinox and Cancer Solstice bonus episodes for donors only!
Sunday May 28, 2023
180 | Sagittarius Full Moon & the Rainbow’s Pot of Gold!
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
This week, Jupiter in Taurus pays off on our North Node dreams. Venus and Neptune provide a beautiful moment for showing affection and opening our hearts, though we should be a little careful about opening our wallets. The Sagittarius Full Moon takes us to Egypt (if only telepathically!), and Mercury and Uranus offer sudden realizations, revelations, and perceptions. And April answers a Listener Question about empty houses in the horoscope (spoiler alert: it might be a good thing!). Plus: A bugle, an open book, and a barren wasteland!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
You can download a Planetary Dignities cheatsheet here!
Order your personal copy of April’s “Followed by a Moonshadow” Eclipse Report!
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[1:19] Jupiter conjoins the Moon's North Node on June 1st (5:43 PM PDT) at 03°37’ Taurus, on the Sabian symbol, 4 Taurus, The rainbow's pot of gold. Ask yourself what you've learned, over the last 18 months, about trust, security and building true prosperity? Stay tuned for the upcoming nodal shift to the Aries/Libra axis on July 17, 2023!
[4:27] On June 2nd (3:42 PM PDT), Venus trines Neptune at 27°28’ of Cancer and Pisces. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 28 Cancer, A modern Pocahontas. Neptune is on the Sabian symbol, 28 Pisces, A Fertile Garden under a full Moon. Hold off on making major purchases, but shower your loved ones and creative projects with affection.
[7:07] Moon Report! The Sagittarius Full Moon (June 3, 8:42 PM PDT, 13°18’ Sagittarius) is on the Sabian symbol, 14 Sagittarius, The pyramids and the sphinx. The Sun is on the Sabian symbol 14 Gemini, A conversation by telepathy. Expand your ideas of what is possible for you!
[8:14] The Sun and Full Moon are both square Saturn at 07°03’ Pisces, on the Sabian symbol, A girl blowing a bugle. Are we fully awake to the people around us and where we are right now?
[10:59] Full Moons are often important times for relationships, and this Full Moon chart features Venus preparing for an opposition to Pluto and a conjunction to Mars. Pay attention to relationship tensions during this lunation.
[11:47] This Full Moon is part of a Lunar Phase Family that began with the New Moon on December 3, 2021 at 12° Sagittarius. The First Quarter Moon in this cycle occurred on September 3, 2022 at 11° Sagittarius, and the Last Quarter Moon is on March 3, 2024 at 13° Sagittarius. We're midway through a Sagittarius story that began in late 2021 and can see the results of what we "planted" then.
[13:20] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On May 29th (2:45 AM PDT), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. It’ll be VOC for about five hours before entering Libra (7:50 AM PDT). Consider the balance between Virgo discernment and Pisces' compassionate forgiveness.
[14:44] The Moon in Libra squares Venus in Cancer on May 31st (7:53 AM PDT) and is VOC for a little under nine hours before entering Scorpio (4:45 PM PDT). Should you stay in or go out? Yes and yes!
[16:21] On June 2nd (5:51 PM PDT), the Moon in Scorpio trines Venus in Cancer. It's VOC for about four hours, then enters Sagittarius at 10:03 PM PDT. Examine the role of harmony and affection with those closest to you.
[17:25] Mercury will conjunct Uranus on June 4th (12:49 PM PDT) at 20°24’ Taurus, on the Sabian symbol 21 Taurus, A finger pointing in an open book. Celebrate the unexpected and try to go with it - it could be part of some type of divine order.
[20:05] Listener Arlene asks about empty houses in a chart. (It can actually be a good thing!) You can download a Planetary Dignities cheatsheet here! Download Donna Cunninham’s book, The Stellium Handbook Part 1 and Part 2.
[25:56] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[26:31] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Jessica Lynn and Eve Gaeta!
[27:34] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Aries Equinox and Cancer Solstice bonus episodes for donors only!
Sunday May 21, 2023
179 | Sun Meets Saturn: Inhospitable Soil!
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
This week, Mars pushes a Jupiterian door that's stuck; relationship change is in the air with Venus and Uranus; feeling truly rich with Mars and the North Node; a Virgo First Quarter Moon asks us to serve, and the Sun's square to Saturn points to rocky terrain. And April answers a colorful and imaginative listener question about how essential dignities influence the houses of the chart. Plus: Milanese werewolves, noms de podcast, and pushing past the big guy!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Order your personal copy of April’s “Followed by a Moonshadow” Eclipse Report!
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:14] Mars will square Jupiter on May 22nd (10:13 PM PDT) at 01°28’ of Leo and Taurus. A chance to inspire others to join us in whatever it is that we are trying to accomplish, even if it's just pushing open a door that's stuck.
[4:22] On May 26th (12:37 AM PDT), Venus sextiles Uranus at 19°53’ Cancer and Taurus. Venus is on the Sabian symbol, 20 Cancer, Gondoliers in a serenade, and Uranus is on the symbol, 20 Taurus, Wind, clouds and haste. Change could be in the air in our relationships. Be on the lookout for unforeseen monetary windfalls and/or expenditures.
[6:37] On May 26th (1:05 PM PDT), Mars makes a square to the Lunar Nodes at 03°32’ Leo, and with the Nodes at 03°32’ minutes of Taurus and Scorpio. The Sabian symbol for 4 Leo is, A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded. What makes you feel truly rich versus playing the role of being rich and successful?
[8:29] Moon Report! The Virgo First Quarter Moon will occur on May 27th (8:22 AM PDT) at 06°05’ Virgo. This First Quarter Moon naturally features a tight T-square with the Sun squaring the Moon which is opposed Saturn at 06°50’ of Pisces.
[9:16] The Virgo First Quarter is the point of activating a very specific goal. The Sabian symbol for the Moon, 7 Virgo is, A harem. The symbol for the Sun is 7 Gemini, An old fashioned well. The Sabian symbol for Saturn at 7 Pisces, A cross lying on the rocks. These particular symbols suggest a message of sacrifice, of rocky terrain on our path ahead, but also, that the energy that we expend will be naturally replenished by the process of taking action on our New Moon in Taurus goals.
[10:42] This is the First Quarter Moon in the Lunar Phase Family Cycle that began with the August 27th, 2022 New Moon at 04°03’ Virgo. The Full Moon in this Lunar Phase Cycle is on February 24th, 2024, and the Last Quarter Moon comes on November 22nd, 2024.
[11:10] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On May 24th (2:12 AM PDT), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune. It's VOC for just about 5 ¼ hours, before it enters Leo (7:35 AM PDT). Break the emotional habit of carrying little hurts and insults. Wash the slate clean and move on.
[12:31] The Moon in Leeeeoooooo squares Uranus in Taurus on May 25th (11:38 PM PDT). It is VOC for about 20 ¾ hours (!!!) before entering Virgo on May 26th (8:05 PM PDT). This is a call for change, and to examine whether you're demanding more than your share of attention, or being too rigid in our leadership style?
[13:55] The Sun will make its bi-annual square to Saturn on May 28th (3:46 AM PDT) at 06°52’ of Gemini and Pisces. It may feel incredibly difficult to make any kind of forward progress with anything.
[15:54] Listener Travilla asks (in highly colorful fashion) about how essential dignities influence the houses of a chart.
[21:22] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email her at april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[21:55] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Lisa Moore and Paula Hepner!
[22:48] Love the podcast? You can offer much-appreciated financial support here! A donation of $5 or more will get you access to the Aries Equinox and Cancer Solstice bonus episodes for donors only!