
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
282 | The Sun Meets Venus: The Star Point!
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
This week, the Sun conjoins the North Node and Neptune, then enters its Aries Season and the equinox. Venus comes together with Pluto and with the Sun to explore what's truly essential and joyful. The Capricorn Last Quarter Moon calls for an examination of what we've accomplished during this lunar cycle and how to reach the finish line successfully. And April offers a mini-lesson on the Venus Star Point. Plus: Delicious cazimi, becoming what we idealize, and a personal Venus story of love and music!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Learn about April's personalized eclipse report!
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[1:19] The Sun conjoins the Moon's North Node (March 17, 11:03 am PDT) at 27º23’ Pisces on Sabian symbol 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon. In this week between eclipses, recommit to taking a step toward what's important to you.
[2:58] The Sun conjoins Neptune on March 19 (4:25 pm PDT) at 29º36’ Pisces on the Sabian symbol 30 Pisces, A rock formation like a face is idealized by a boy who, as he grows up, begins to look like it. This transit reminds us that no one has all the answers, and we’re responsible for making something of our lives and our world.
[5:35] On March 20 (2:01 am PDT), the Sun enters Aries (through April 19). This marks the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The Aries Ingress chart is used by astrologers to cast a chart, using the capital of their country, to get a feel for what the upcoming year could look like. (Astrologers Nina Gryphon and Wade Caves were mentioned.) Aries is the opening of the new astrological year and is the sign that's closely associated with all new enterprises.
[8:58] Venus sextiles Pluto (March 21, 2:32 pm PDT) at 03º22’ Aries-Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 4 Aries, two lovers strolling through a secluded walk, and Pluto is on 4 Aquarius, a Hindu healer. The challenge is to reconcile how to love life and people, even though we know that they're not perfect and will not last forever. Measure the importance of financial matters against the importance of relationships.
[11:44] Moon Report! The Capricorn Last Quarter Moon is on March 22 (4:29 am PDT) at 02º05’ Capricorn and Aries. Time to complete projects from the Pisces New Moon (Feb. 27). The Moon is on the Sabian symbol 3 Capricorn, The human soul receptive to growth and understanding.
[14:00] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Last Quarter in an LPFC that began with a New Moon at 01º32’ Capricorn on Dec. 23, 2022. The First Quarter Moon in this LPFC was on Sep. 22, 2023, and the Full Moon was on June 21, 2024. Don't back away from your wishes, dreams and ambitions.
[15:49] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On March 19 (12:28 pm PDT), the Moon in Scorpio makes a trine to Neptune. It's VOC for only 49 minutes and then enters Sagittarius (1:17 pm PDT). Use this VOC period to practice tapping into your intuition.
[17:54] On March 21 (11:53 pm PDT), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. The Moon is VOC for only 36 minutes, then enters Capricorn on March 22 (12:29 am PDT). Accept whatever truths come your way instead of spiraling down a path of gloom and doom.
[19:13] The Sun and Venus come together in a conjunction on March 22 (6:07 pm PDT) at 02º39’ Aries. This conjunction is called the Venus Star Point. It's a powerful day to manifest the situations and relationships that are truly in line with your heart and values. You may gain insight into an important relationship.
[21:11] The Sun sextiles Pluto at 3º24’ Aries-Aquarius (March 23, 12:32 pm PDT). This transit reinforces a message of accepting yourself exactly the way you are.
[23:11] Mini-Lesson: The Venus Star Point. Check out Arielle Guttman’s book, Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for the Twenty-First Century. Here is a link to Guttman’s page that has the PDF to find your Venus Star Point. This episode of The Astrology Podcast is a great resource as well.
[28:42] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[29:13] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Mar 09, 2025
281 | Virgo Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: Clearing Out the Stress!
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
This week, welcome to the first eclipse season of 2025, which begins with this week's Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. Should you be terrifiiiiied?™ The Sun makes its annual conjunction to demanding Saturn but gets busted out of jail by Uranus a couple of days later. Mercury makes a conjunction to retrograde Venus just a couple of days before he begins his own retrograde period. And a listener question about the significance of the Midheaven and IC as South and North points in the chart. Plus: Hunches, dead zones, and a tenuous grasp of astronomy!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:30] Mercury conjoins Venus (March 11, 3:55 pm PDT, 8º47’ Aries) on the Sabian symbol 9 Aries, A crystal gazer. Look at the area of life represented by the Aries house of your chart - what do you want there?
[3:36] On March 12 (3:29 am PDT, 22º05’ Pisces), the Sun conjoins Saturn on the Sabian symbol 23 Pisces, Spiritist phenomena. It can be a productive, character-building transit, but it usually is not a cheerful one.
[5:51] Moon Report! The Full Moon (March 13, 11:55 pm PDT) is a Lunar Eclipse at 23º56’ Virgo. The South Node is in Virgo, so each eclipse in this sign points to releasing its harsh or negative aspects, such as worry and stress, excessive perfectionism, and destructive criticism. Previous eclipses near this degree: Sep. 13, 2015, March 14, 2006, and on March 13, 1998.
[10:55] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Full Moon in an LPFC that began with a New Moon on Sep. 14, 2023, at 21º58’ Virgo. The First Quarter near this degree was on June 13, 2024, and the Last Quarter is on Dec. 11, 2025.
[13:01] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On March 11 (1:16 pm PDT), the Moon in Leeeeoooo squares Uranus. It's VOC for 11 hours, 40 minutes, and enters Virgo on March 12 (12:56 am PDT). Is it worth toning yourself down in order to fit in?
[14:27] On March 14 (10:47 am PDT), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune. It's VOC for 1 hour 12 minutes, enters Libra at 11:59 am PDT. Get past idealizing others in order to get a clear idea of yourself.
[16:00] On March 16 (2:53 am PDT), the Moon in Libra squares Mars in Cancer. It’s VOC for 21 hours 37 minutes (!!!), then enters Scorpio on March 17 (12:30 am PDT). Restrain yourself from sending nasty messages or losing your temper on the road.
[18:37] The Sun sextiles Uranus (March 14, 2:16 am PDT) at 24°02’ Pisces-Taurus. Here is an opportunity to connect with people who make you feel as if you really fit into a particular group or network. The Sun is on the Sabian symbol 25 Pisces, The purging of the priesthood. Community is implied by Uranus’s symbol, 25 Taurus, A large, well-kept public park.
[20:15] Mercury stations retrograde (March 14, 11:46 pm PDT) at 09º35’ Aries. Generally, Mercury retrograde is better for revisiting past projects than it is for initiating new ones. The Sabian symbol for this station is 10 Aries, A man teaching new forms for old symbols.
[22:21] Listener Savannah asks about the significance of the Midheaven and IC as South and North points in the chart.
[27:26] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[27:57] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Mar 02, 2025
280 | The Sun Meets Mars: A Fiery Dance!
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
This week: It’s the calm before the astrological storm, but Mercury, the ruler of the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, enters zesty Aries and makes an aspect with Pluto. The Sun and Mars flow in a harmonious trine aspect, bringing plenty of energy and enthusiasm. And a listener question about how to work with planets in fall, detriment, and mutual reception. Plus: Important info up front, President Harrison Ford, and swinging Tarzan style!
Join April this weekend for a webinar on The Eclipses of 2025! It takes place on Sat., March 8 (10 am PST).Information and registration here!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:43] Mercury enters Aries on March 3 (1:04 am PST). A good transit for fast thinking and self-defense. But avoid moving too quickly without thinking; when Mercury goes retrograde (March 14), it will catch up with you.
[3:15] On March 5 (5:13 am PST), Mercury makes the first of three sextiles to Pluto (the others are on March 25 and April 20), at 3º00’ Aries and Aquarius. It’s the beginning of a three-part story about the truth of who we are, who others are, and the nature of situations.
[6:24] Moon Report! The Gemini First Quarter Moon is on March 6 (8:32 am PST) at 16º21’ Gemini. Take action on your Feb. 27 Pisces New Moon plans. Use Gemini's best qualities, such as a love of variety and willingness to try new things, but curb gossip and acerbic talk.
[8:33] This is the First Quarter in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began at the June 6, 2024 New Moon at 16º17’ Gemini. The Full Moon in this LPFC is on Dec. 4, 2025, the Last Quarter on Sep. 4, 2026.
[10:15] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. The Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune on March 5 (2:53 am PST). It's VOC for 1 hour 36 minutes, then enters Gemini (4:29 am PST). Manage insomnia with a book or ambiance video on YouTube with a crackling fire or rain noises.
[11:23] On March 7 (6:57 am PST), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for 1 hour 32 minutes, then enters Cancer (8:29 am PST). Initiate a creative healing outlet (perhaps a tarot journaling practice?) for occasional emotional surges.
[13:24] On March 9 (2:32 pm PST), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune. It's VOC for 1 hour, 27 minutes, then enters Leeeeoooo (3:59 pm PST). Life is stressful: enjoy a nice Sunday brunch! Indulge in joy, good food and drink.
[14:32] Mars trines the Sun on March 7 (9:13 pm) at 17º52’ Pisces-Cancer. Look for increased energy, enthusiasm, and focus. Dance off, anyone?!? The Sun's Sabian symbol is 18 Pisces, A gigantic tent and Mars’s is 18 Cancer, A hen scratching for her chicks. Give your joy and creativity to the service of the people and creatures that you love.
[16:30] Listener Percy on the PATH Train asks about working with planets in detriment, fall, and mutual reception. Astrologer Dana Gerhardt was mentioned.
[21:41] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[22:14] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Feb 23, 2025
279 | New Moon in Pisces + Venus Enters Her Confinement!
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
This week, Mercury sails the turbulent Piscean seas, connecting with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the North Node, on the way to a high-flying Pisces New Moon. The Sun crosses paths with Jupiter in Gemini and wishes for a little peace and quiet. Venus stations for her 40-day retrograde period. And a listener question about minor aspects; What makes them so minor? Plus: Restringing your guitar, extreme haircuts, and a square + a semi-square: does that sound minor to you?
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:25] Mercury conjoins Saturn (Feb. 25, 4:02 am PST) at 20º15’ Pisces. A reality check is in order.
[2:58] Mercury sextiles Uranus (Feb. 27, 1:38 am PST), 23º35’ Pisces-Taurus. New ideas arise in conversation or in your environment.
[3:50] Moon Report! The Pisces New Moon (Feb. 27, 4:45 pm PST, 09º40’ Pisces) features a stellium of planets in Pisces and a square from Jupiter to the New Moon point. Look for tension between peace and quiet, and endless noise and distraction. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon degree, 10 Pisces, is An aviator in the clouds. Themes to work with during this New Moon: spirituality, collaborating on a creative project, forgiveness, and emotional and physical healing.
[7:25] This is the New Moon in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that unfolds over the next three years. The First Quarter Moon in this LPFC is on Nov. 27, 2025, the Full Moon on Aug. 27, 2026, and the Last Quarter Moon on May 28, 2027.
[9:18] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Feb. 24 (7:28 pm PST), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for 2 hours, 12 minutes, then enters Aquarius (9:40 pm PST).
[10:52] On Feb. 26 (2:04 pm PST), the Moon in Aquarius squares. It's VOC for 10 hours and 42 minutes (!!!) and then enters Pisces on Feb. 27 (12:46 am PST).
[11:33] On March 1 (12:05 am PST), the Moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune. It's VOC for 1 hour 47 minutes, then enters Aries (1:52 am PST).
[13:11] Venus in Aries stations retrograde on March 1 (4:36 pm PST) at 10º50’ Aries. It will be retrograde until April 12. Retrograde periods for all planets favor inner work over outer action in the matters that are ruled by the retrograde planet. With Venus retrograde, avoid major purchases, permanent relationship changes, and physical changes that can be hard to reverse.
[16:20] Mercury conjoins Neptune (March 2, 8:22 am PST) at 28º57’ Pisces, on the Sabian symbol, 29 Pisces, A prism. Be a little careful what you feed your mind, because it will become part of you.
[18:18] On March 2 (10:19 am PST), the Sun in Pisces squares Jupiter in Gemini. The Sun's Sabian symbol is 13 Pisces, A sword in a museum, and Jupiter's Sabian symbol is 13 Gemini, A great musician at his piano. Good opportunities can present themselves to you around this date, but use a little bit of caution before we say yes.
[20:19] Listener Carmel asks, “Why are minor aspects considered minor?” Episode 260’s listener question, Ptolemy, Rick Levine and Noel Tyl were mentioned.
[28:15] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[28:51] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Feb 16, 2025
278 | Pisces Season: Let the Good Times Roll!
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
This week, the Sun enters Pisces for a season of reflection and release; the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius means we’re ready to let the good times roll; Mercury reignites energy as it trines Mars and introduces a lot of new details as it squares Jupiter; Mars finally turns direct. And April answers a listener question about Jupiter transits; why don't they seem luckier? Plus: Barking dogs, Mardi Gras, and Mercury’s footnotes!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
For more on this week's planetary news, read my column!
Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon!
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[1:19] The Sun enters Jupiter-ruled Pisces on Feb. 18 (2:07 am PST, through March 20). It's time to let go of what isn't going to be helpful or necessary on the road ahead.
[5:10] Moon Report! The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (Feb. 20, 9:32 am PST) at 02°19’ Sagittarius is a final action point for the Aquarius New Moon on Jan. 29. Sagittarius has a big, joyous, “let the good times roll” Mardi Gras spirit. The Moon's Sabian symbol at this Last Quarter is 3 Sagittarius, Two men playing chess, the Sun is on Pisces, A petrified forest.
[7:50] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Last Quarter in an LPFC that began with the New Moon on Nov. 23, 2022, at 01°37’ Sagittarius. The First Quarter in this LPFC was Aug. 24, 2023, the Full Moon on May 23, 2024.
[9:23] Void-of-Course Moon (VOC) periods. On Feb. 17 (3:24 pm PST), the Moon in Libra trines the Sun in Aquarius. It's VOC for 55 minutes and then enters Scorpio (4:19 pm PST). Use this VOC Moon period to practice the art of small talk and brighten someone’s day.
[10:57] On Feb. 20 (2:05 am PST), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It's VOC for 2 hours 50 minutes and then enters Sagittarius (4:55 am PST). When the Moon aspects Neptune, intuition and access to our unconscious mind are very strong.
[12:14] On Feb. 22 (12:38 pm PST), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It's VOC for 2 hours, 31 minutes and enters Capricorn (3:09 pm PST). Monitor your mood and respond to emotions calmly, instead of overreacting.
[13:27] Mercury squares Jupiter at 11°43’ Pisces-Gemini on Feb. 20 (12:13 pm PST). Square aspects to Jupiter mean it's easy to get carried away and overdo it. Jupiter is on the Sabian symbol, 12 Gemini, A slave girl demands her rights of her mistress, Mercury is on 12 Pisces, An examination of initiates. These two planets are in mutual reception (each in a sign ruled by the other), so there is the potential to reconcile any conflicts between facts and opinion.
[16:0] Mercury trines Mars (Feb. 23, 8:58 am PST) at 17°00’ Pisces-Cancer. Your experience of this aspect will depend on how you're currently handling feelings of resentment, anger, or frustration.
[17:36] Mars stations direct (Feb. 23, 6 pm PST) at 17°00’ Cancer, on the Sabian symbol 17 Cancer, The germ grows into knowledge and life. Mars has been retrograde since Dec. 6, 2024. Mars is the warrior planet, so anger and cutting ties must be managed carefully. Protecting your family, your home, and safety can feel urgent.
[20:22] Listener Quentin asks about Jupiter transits; why don't they seem luckier?
[24:52] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[25:27] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Feb 09, 2025
277 | Leo Full Moon: Crossing the Desert!
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
This week, the Sun and Mercury clash with unpredictable Uranus, bringing an exciting but potentially disruptive influence to the Leo Full Moon on Feb. 12 - and change could still be in the air for Valentine’s Day. Mercury enters gentle, imaginative Pisces for an extended stay. And a listener question about the Nodal opposition, when the transiting lunar nodes oppose your natal lunar nodes. Plus: Camel talk, treasure from long-ago voyages, and trash trucks and storage units!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:20] Mercury squares Uranus (Feb. 10, 11:28 am PST) at 23°18’ Aquarius and Taurus. Mercury is on Sabian symbol 24 Aquarius, Man turning his back on his passions teaches from his experience. Mercury's square to Uranus is about telling a new story, learning new things, and specifically teaching new things.
[2:50] The Sun also squares Uranus (Feb. 11, 11:30 am) at 23°19’. The two are conjoined this year on May 17, square again on Aug. 24, and opposed on Nov. 21. Sun/Uranus aspects tell a story of individual freedom and genius, and how they are developed through standing up for ourselves and challenging existing wisdom and rules.
[5:44] Moon Report! The Full Moon is in Leeeeeooooo (Feb. 12, 5:53 am PST) at 24°06’ Leo-Aquarius, awakening us to creative urges and the need for fun and romance. The Moon is on Sabian symbol 25 Leo, A large camel crossing the desert. This is a symbol of self-sufficiency, and a reminder that self-expression requires personal down time.
[8:55] The Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Full Moon in a LPFC that began with the New Moon on Aug. 16, 2023, at 23°17’ Leo. The First Quarter of this LPFC was on May 15, 2024, at 25°08’ Leo, and the Last Quarter is on Nov. 11 at 20°04’ Leo.
[10:32] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Feb. 10 (5:49 AM PST), the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune. It's VOC for 3 hours 12 minutes before it enters Leo (9:01 am PST). Intuition and sensitivity are a feature of this VOC Moon. But practice separating your feelings from other people's. Practice empathy, but don't forget boundaries.
[11:47] On Feb. 12 (11:12 am PST), the Moon in Leo opposes Mercury. It's VOC for 5 hours and 55 minutes, then enters Virgo (5:07 pm PST). Here is a VOC period to get in the habit of using your mind alongside your heart to make decisions or to communicate. Strike a balance between logic and emotion.
[12:27] On Feb. 15 (12:35 am PST), the Moon opposes Neptune. It's VOC for 3 hours 10 minutes, then enters Libra (3:45 am PST). Cultivate relationships with those who are artistic, spiritual, or who in some way inspire you. When you come across those people in your life, make it a habit to cultivate those relationships.
[14:02] Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of its fall and detriment, on Feb.14 (4:06 am PST). Take a deep breath and melt into heart-to-heart communication. Dig into some artistic and spiritual projects. Due to an upcoming Mercury retrograde period, Mercury in in Pisces on and off through April 15.
[16:40] Listener Judy asks about transiting lunar nodes in opposition to the natal lunar nodes. Check out Ep. 188 for a review of nodal returns.
[22:15] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[22:48] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Feb 02, 2025
276 | Venus enters Aries: The Thrill of the Chase!
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
This week, Mercury's aspects to the Sun and Jupiter bring optimism, hope, and breakthroughs. Venus enters spicy Aries for a good long stay and enters an intense dialogue with Pluto. Jupiter stations direct, the Taurus First Quarter Moon encourages practical action toward New Moon goals. Neptune conjoins the North Node for fateful encounters, Mars makes a very productive trine to Saturn, and a listener question about trine aspects: Is their fortunate reputation deserved? Plus: Burnt lentils, birthday parties, and the god of caustic dinner conversation!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here!
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[1:31] Mercury trines Jupiter (Feb. 3, 1:51 pm PST) at 11º16’ Aquarius and Gemini. It's an inspiring combination for brainstorming and for dreaming up your future. Mercury's Sabian symbol is 12 Aquarius, People on stairs graduated upwards. Jupiter's Sabian symbol, 12 Gemini, is A slave girl demands her rights of her mistress.
[3:15] Venus enters Aries (Feb. 3, 11:57 pm PST) through June 5, including a retrograde period between March 1-April 12. Venus is in Aries inclines toward impulsive financial and romantic decisions.
[5:13] Jupiter stations direct at 11º16’ Gemini (Feb. 4, 1:40 am PST). Jupiter in Gemini amplifies gathering information, communication, and short-distance travel.
[6:42] Moon Report! The Taurus First Quarter Moon is on Feb. 5 (12:02 am PST), 16º46’ Taurus-Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for the Moon is 17 Taurus, A battle between the swords and torches, and the Sun is on 17 Aquarius, A watchdog standing guard. Take action on your New Moon plans.
[9:11] The Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the First Quarter phase in a LPFC that began with the May 7, 2024 New Moon. The Full Moon in this LPFC is on Nov. 5, 2025 and the Last Quarter is Aug. 5, 2026.
[10:54] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Feb. 3 (2:19 am PST), the Moon in Aries squares Mars in Cancer. It's VOC 17 hours 24 minutes (!!!) then enters Taurus (7:33 pm PST). Practice emotional regulation.
[12:30] On Feb. 5 (7:29 pm PST), the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for 3 hours 15 minutes, then enters Gemini (10:44 pm PST). Remember, there are no mistakes, only discoveries.
[14:02] On Feb. 7 (11:52 pm PST), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for 3 hours 12 minutes and enters Cancer on Feb. 8 (3:04 am PST). Focus on one task at a time.
[14:44] On Feb. 6 (10:11 pm PST), Neptune conjoins the North Node at 28º09’ Pisces, for the first time in 167 years ago (Jan. 1858). Look for citizenship to be in the news. The Sabian symbol for the conjunction is 29 Pisces, A prism.
[16:49] Venus sextiles Pluto (Feb. 7, 4:14 am PST), 2º15’ Aries-Aquarius. Evaluate your relationships with money and other people. Socializing can put you in touch with power players.
[17:51] Mercury conjoins the Sun (Feb. 9, 4:08 am PST) at 20º59’ Aquarius, so Mercury will be cazimi when it’s within 17’ arc to the Sun. This cazimi period lasts from Feb. 8 (7:09 pm PST)-Feb. 9 (1:03 pm PST).
[19:31] Mars trines Saturn at 18º22’ Cancer-Pisces (Feb. 9, 5:15 am PST). Mars is on 19 Cancer, A priest performing a marriage ceremony and Saturn is on 19 Pisces, A master instructing his pupil. Constancy in relationships, making a serious commitment, learning on an emotional level.
[21:37] Listener Trine Away asks about trine aspects. Is their fortunate reputation deserved?
[26:37] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[27:11] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Sunday Jan 26, 2025
275 | Aquarius New Moon: Fleeting Popularity!
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
This week, the Aquarius New Moon and a penetrating Mercury-Pluto conjunction raise difficult truths and are a reminder that popularity is fleeting. The Aquarius Sun basks in the creative flow of confident, risk-taking Jupiter. As Uranus stations direct, the earth moves. Venus conjoins the North Node, and encourages joining with others to reach higher goals; and as she connects with Neptune, ask: How much is enough? And a listener question about finding motivation; can astrology help? Plus: Fulfillment, Fozzie Bear, and an undesirable demographic!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:20] Mercury enters Aquarius on Jan. 27 (6:53 pm PST) and will be in this sign through Feb. 14, 2025. Well-suited to science and technology, but wait til Mercury is in Pisces for heart-to-heart talks.
[2:34] On Jan. 28 (11:52 pm PST), Mercury conjoins Pluto at 1º58’ Aquarius. What’s hidden comes to the surface from nowhere, as suggested by the Sabian symbol 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm.
[4:17] Moon Report! The Aquarius New Moon is on Jan. 29 (4:36 am PST) at 9º51’ Aquarius. It's on the Sabian symbol 10 Aquarius, A popularity that proves ephemeral. Shake up the status quo, reveal hard truths, and persuade the world to be better, braver, and more compassionate.
[8:03] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the New Moon in a LPFC that will expand out over the next three years. The First Quarter in this LPFC comes on Oct. 29, 2025, the Full Moon is on July 29, 2026, and the Last Quarter is on April 28, 2027.
[9:58] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Jan. 28 (7:48 am PST), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for 3 hours, 43 minutes, and then enters Aquarius (11:31 am PST). Get yourself off that highly scheduled Capricorn treadmill.
[11:10] On Jan. 30th, the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus (3:29 am PST). It's VOC for 11 hours 23 minutes (!!!), then enters Pisces (2:52 pm PST). Let others make the decisions for a change.
[12:20] The Moon in Pisces conjuncts Venus on Feb. 1 (2:06 pm PST). It's VOC for 3 hours and 4 minutes before entering Aries (5:10 pm PST). Establish a routine of bonding with the women in your life.
[13:45] Uranus stations direct on Jan. 30 (8:22 am PST), at 23º15’ Taurus. It's been retrograde since Sep. 1, 2024. When a planet changes direction, it makes itself felt more than usual.
[14:54] The Sun trines Jupiter on Jan. 30 (2:59 pm PST) at 11°18’ Aquarius and Gemini. The Sabian symbol for the Sun is 12 Aquarius, People on stairs graduated upward; Jupiter is on 12 Gemini, A slave girl asserting herself to her mistress. Explore your creativity, get the attention that you deserve, and have fun!
[17:22] Venus conjuncts Neptune (Feb. 1. 8:33 am PST, 27º59’ Pisces) on the Sabian symbol 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon. This transit evokes the Fulfillment Curve, which emphasizes focusing on living comfortably without constantly chasing more material wealth. Check out Episode 132 for a review of Planetary Rulerships.
[20:32] Venus conjuncts the North Node (Feb. 1, 1:42 pm PST) at 28º09’ Pisces. This is the first of three conjunctions from Venus to the North Node due to her upcoming retrograde period. The other two are on April 1, 2025, and on April 23, 2025.
[22:14] Listener Idaho Barry asks if astrology can help with motivation, and shares a favorite clip from The Muppets!
[28:40] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[29:11] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.